Australian kindergarten would LOVE more of your postcards! :)

Card is sent off to you :slight_smile:

I would like to send from Germany and Austria. Please PM

Hello. I sent you a message early in May to ask for the address. I’ve been on holiday since but haven’t heard back. If you message me your address I’ll send a postcard :blush:

Hi! My name is Leah, and I’m running a Postcrossing program with our kindergarten class in Victoria, Australia. We only have the rest of this year for these particular students, so we are keen to get as many postcards as possible!

I’ve done this through the Postcrossing forum once before, and we were overwhelmed with gratitude and excitement at the response! One wall is starting to fill with colourful and interesting postcards from all over the world. Thank you, Postcrossing people!

If you are interested in sending a postcard to our kinder kids (aged four and five), send me a direct message. If you would like a return postcard, please send your address! We were a bit swamped last time, but we will try our best to get back to everyone. This can take time, so your patience would be appreciated. :slight_smile: Please don’t expect pictures of the kids in return - I understand you wanting to see their excitement, but we have to protect their privacy.

To keep it safe, I only go with people who are experienced Postcrossers. I hope you understand!

We welcome all topics on the postcards, as long as they are child-friendly! We vet the cards before they reach the kids, but so far everyone has been very respectful and thoughtful.

Our students live in the countryside. We are in a farming region, so many of them either live on a farm or are used to seeing cows and sheep! There are a lot of wombats in these parts. Also, Australian parrots, galahs, cockatoos and kookaburras abound! Many of us even see wedge-tailed eagles here and there. Look up Gippsland, if you are curious! It rains so much that our kids usually turn up to kinder in gumboots. This is the muddy part of Australia - not the dusty part!

Our kindergarten loves to encourage learning through interacting with nature and creating craft with items collected in nature. The head teacher loves books (especially Roald Dahl!) and, by the end of their kinder experience, most of the children do, too!

This program is designed so that the kids can learn about other countries and cultures.

So, we’d love to know about:
The animals in your region,
Popular kids’ stories from your region,
Interesting plants native to your country,
Popular foods in your country,
Anything of geographical interest that kids could understand,
What hobbies or sports are popular in your country,
Things we might have in common are great, too!
I’m sure there are many more topics I haven’t considered!
Remember, these are little kids - simple and positive content is best!

Thank you in advance!

Smiles from the land downunder!
Leah and Loch Preschool. :smiley:


Count me in! :grin:

Me too :smiling_face:

pm sent

I’d be glad to send a few cards in an envelope, including some New York City images and Richard Scarry cards. Please let me have the mailing address. Regards, JamesC

I will send another. Is the address still the same as last year?

is it too late to offer to send one? I’ll be happy to send one from the USA - Utah

Hi Leah, I would like to send a card too. I even have Roald Dahl book covers on Postcards, because I love Roald Dahl too and read his books to my pupils as well :blush: But I also have lots of illustrations from German and Dutch children’s books.

I can send a card

Happy to send one from England! Please send me your address via a message :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll send one from Zambia if you send me the address :slight_smile:

I would like to help you Little ones

I’d like to send the kids a card from Finland! :slight_smile:

I can send you a Card with european Animals from my Sister‘s working Place.
Please send me your Address.

Not sure if this is correct spot to message you. I would be interested in sending postcards to the kindergarten class. Please forward me the information needed.


I send you a PM, i would love to send some animal postcards :slight_smile:

Please,tell me the address of the kindergarten!