Australian kindergarten would LOVE more of your postcards! :)

Hello, I would love to send something! :brown_heart: just a question: will the postcard be given to one child, or to the whole kindergarten class?

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Hi Silvia!

Our preschool address is:

Address removed by moderator.

I don’t think you can send the kinder’s account DMs because no postcards (that we’ve sent out) have landed at their destination yet. But if you DM to mine and my daughter’s profile, that’d work! We are @LeahBonnie and have been doing it for a little while, now. Feel free to DM me an address - our kinder would love to send you a postcard! I hope that makes sense!!

Thank you!

Leah :blush:

:earth_americas: :two_hearts:


Hi Leah, I’m from Indonesia and interested in this project. Is any theme that suits with children okay? Thanks

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I have removed the address from one post and have deleted all other same posts.

Please read this post and if you intentionally posted the address publicly, feel free to re-post it with a note like this: “I understand that thev address is being posted on a public forum.
Otherwise please share it via the PM system of the forum.

And just a little hint:
There is no need to post several same posts in a row.
You can reply to several users in one post by mentioning their nicknames like that:

@abc @xyz @def @ghi


I am a kindergarten teacher in Eastern USA and would love to send a card! Please PM the address!

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PM from Northern Germany just sent :slight_smile:

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I apologise, I didn’t know there was a change of rules. It’s just that the kinder year is part way through and I cannot do direct messages until the first postcard of ours has arrived, which might take awhile. The kinder has set up a whole display and everyone is waiting eagerly for postcards from overseas. Anyway, I do appreciate the safety aspect. Thanks for the clarification. :blush: If anyone would like a postcard swap with our kinder, please DM @LeahBonnie and we can arrange it via my account, for now.
The kids are loving the sending side of the project so far. It’s fun to see where the postcard will go on the map. :blush: :earth_americas: :earth_africa:


Yes, that’s us! We only just started. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you have the permission of the kindergarten team to publish the address here, you can do so with the necessary notice.
However, you should be able to write PMs (private messages) here in the forum or reply to other people’s messages - this has nothing to do with whether or not you have already sent cards on the main site.

If you want to send a message to another user please klick on the avatar of this user and choose “message”

You can try it by clicking on my avatar. While the forum is sometimes a little bit slow it can take some seconds before it appears.
I’m waiting for your message :wink:

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We did direct messages.

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I’d love to exchange postcards between Australia :australia: & Canada :canada: .

You could PM your address to @BionicBookLover.

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I’m interested in sending postcards.

I’ll DM you through the forum. :smiley:

I’ve finally figured this out, haha! I don’t typically use forums, but I’m getting the hang of it, now. Thank you!! :smiley:

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Thank you very much for the help! I’m on it, now. :slight_smile:

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I’d love to send a postcard from Japan :blush:
PM sent.

Hello from holland
You can send me your adres so i can send you a nice postcard

Best whishes grietje

I would love to send a card to you guys. I left a PM.

I’ll send you a PM for the address

greetings from Goa, in India. I see that I am unable to send you a message as you do not have a registered card yet. Perhaps, you can email me on hellobasil81@gmailcom and we can take it from there
Warm Regards