Australia Post prepaid postcode postcards

Oooh thank you @ahmandah!
Bendigo also has more than one design that I’ve seen.

I’ve added the extra Maroochydore!

Hm, not sure what to make of this one

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You found it! Thanks for this link @ahmandah! I saw this one a few days ago and thought to myself…not genuine, and moved on.

But I was looking for it again yesterday because I’ll add it to the ‘other’ section down the bottom of my list…with the other odd ones.

Thanks so much! It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack!!!


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I was in the city today so popped into the Adelaide Halifax street PO but they didn’t have any Adelaide cards so I don’t know if there are different ones issed for the different PO listed in Adelaide CBD. The Hutt Street PO is still on the list but has permanently closed so that’s one that won’t be available, although someone may have sent it previously.

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Thank you so much for looking @Babykangi!

Do you know if there is still a post office shop on Rundle Mall? I guess that’s the only one we don’t know about.

I might start marking the post offices in my list with whether they have anything in stock etc and what date.

Finally found one sent officially!

I came across another of these cards in my gallery travels this morning!

Yunta SA 5440

I sent that card from Yunta!

In the last six months or so, I’ve found these cards in Nangiloc VIC and Lyndoch SA too (in addition to some of the places on the list above). I sent Australia Post a message about these localised cards a couple of months back because I’d found cards at places not on “the list”, and they said they don’t keep track of where these cards are sold any more as Australia Post outlets have the ability to make their own cards directly, so they just don’t know where there are localised cards anymore… so they could be anywhere!


That is awesome to know!!! Thanks for the heads-up. I will stop to look/ask at more post offices now. Who knows where they might pop up. I think it’s cool. A bit of a treasure hunt! If you send any more and they end up on your wall, let me know and I’ll link them to the list in my first post above.

And…I’ll talk to you again soon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:!

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I have just discovered these in my local post office, have been going in there for years and only noticed them today :crazy_face:


Oh!!! The funniest thing about that is that I’m sure those exact cards are also available in my local LPO. If not that one, another local store (I’ll look)…and I wondered where Burra was, and why they were selling their postcards here…:rofl:.

There is a suburb in nearby NSW called Burra…I figured someone got confused :grimacing:!


Haha they probably did and ordered a bunch :sweat_smile: :rofl:


Ilfracombe post office, QLD 4727, in central Queensland, has four “postcode” type prepaid cards, one depicting the PO building and three depicting vintage farm and road building machinery. Not bad for a town of 310 people!

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