August challenge – Postcard PRIZES!

Do you like to win prizes? :thinking:

Here’s an amazing opportunity!
All you have to do is write one or more postcards to Defenders of Ukraine, and send them to Postcards to the Front (Canada / Канада) through the month of August.
It doesn’t matter how many cards for Defenders are in an envelope; one, or a dozen. Every envelope is eligible. Only envelopes with cards sent to the Canada branch are eligible for these prizes.
Cheerful cards from your stash are especially welcome.
Messages of support can look like some of the examples seen in Tips for Writing your Cards + Samples.
Or, maybe you want to participate in the Christmas in July campaign? :santa:
Whatever you decide, here are the FIVE prizes

  • One (1) prize of a $30.00 (Cdn) gift certificate from Postal Happy – for the most Christmas cards :christmas_tree: for Defenders of Ukraine. Before writing your cards, please first read Christmas in July.
  • Three (3) prizes of a $10.00 (Cdn) gift certificate from Postal Happy.
  • One (1) packet of an assortment of 5 postcards. I will try to match your profile.

Prizes will be drawn on September 10th – to allow a bit of time for envelopes to travel.
Click here for the address.
Be sure to include your Postcrossing ID or an email address inside the envelope so winners can be contacted .

Note: Postal Happy was chosen because it is a Canadian company, because cards are good quality and prices are reasonable, and because they offer a wide range of Canadian themes, as well as Postcrossing-related themes. And because they offer gift certificates. I have no personal or financial connection to Postal Happy.