Aug.25th 2024-Guangzhou Holiday PC Meetup in Canton

:world_map: PROVINCE: Guangdong
:world_map: CITY: Guangzhou
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: McDonald’s (Liuhua Rd. No.120, Dongfang Hotel)
:calendar: DATE: 2024.8.25
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00-12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Hello, everyone! We are postcrossingers from Guangzhou Holiday PC Meetup. Through consideration, We gonna have the 51th meetup in Canton in August.

Registration Fee : Free
Offer: 3 designed meetup postcards
Request : Bring stamps, seals(or pens) by yourself
Activities :

1.Introduce yourself to others participants
2.Write postcards
3.Share your experience with others

If you’re interested to these meetup cards, feel free to leave your message!
Thank you!


I will be glad to exchange )) I really like the shaped cards with lighthouses.
If my links sometimes open, then I can offer Stavropol counter postcards and many other topics for exchange: foxes, bears, cities, food, flowers, birds, owls, wine Stavropol, famous personalities, characters and more.

These are lovely :star_struck: I would love to have them in a swap! Have a great time ya all :hugs::heart_eyes:

Would you like to show me your offer in PM? :grin:

May I know what designed meetup postcards mean? does it mean I design and make the card then bring to the meetup?

你好, @julise !感谢你对我们老广团活动的关注!designed meetup postcards是指已经设计好的联名片。我们老广团所有的联名片,均由团长负责设计或找授权(本期联名片如附图所示)。参与联名的团员均不用自行设计联名片,若有合适做联名片的稿件欢迎投稿!!!谢谢!

I have not received any response from weibo or this forum. Please let me know how I can register for this thx :slight_smile:

You can add my WeChat @iranica

Hi!! I would really like to add to my collection of shaped postcards :hugs:. I will be glad to exchange)

My exchanger:

Hi, can i swap?
I can offer cards from our meet up
or swap album

Or all cards on google

