Atlanta meet up - November 11, 2023

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Atlanta, GA
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Hodgepodge Coffeehouse, 720 Moreland Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30316
:calendar: DATE: November 11, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12-2PM
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Let’s meet up at a local coffee shop, get a bite to eat and chat about postcards and everything else. I am traveling around the states and will be in Atlanta for 2 weeks so I am hoping that I can meet some cool people in the area. There isn’t a meet up postcard for this meet up but I will have some little gifts for attendees. We will get together, share postcards, write out postcards, etc have a chat and some laughs. :slight_smile:


Yay! An Atlanta meet up I can attend! Definitely putting this on my calendar!


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I’m there!! Yay!

I’ve never attended a meet up before but I think I can make this one. Is there anything I need to do to attend and/or anything I need to bring on the day? I’m so excited for the possibility of attending :slight_smile:

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I’m planning to be there!

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Hi there! thanks for being interested in the meet up! It is always nice to meet people who also love sending and receiving postcards. Most meet ups have meet up cards that everyone signs or stamps their user name and passes around. Since I planned this one on a time crunch, it will be more casual. So bring some postcards to share or show. Some addresses to write out postcards. A pen, postage stamps, washi tape, or whatever else you use to send postcards. Hope you can make it!

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Hi everyone. Thank you for your interest in attending the meet up. Since there aren’t meet up cards for this meet up, how would people feel if I went out and got Atlanta and/or Georgia postcards to sign and pass? I would pick up maybe 50. Not sure if there are less expensive places to get them but I am willing to picking some up.

Let me know if this sounds like a good idea. I don’t want to charge more than like 50 cents a postcard if people are interested in purchasing some.

Thanks everyone and see you soon!!!


How fun! I went to the Atlanta one earlier this year, will there be meetup cards, or is this more of a get together and chat about PC meetup?

I’ll be driving from Oak Ridge TN and I’ll have to check on my family’s plans. :heartpulse:

Hi there. There isn’t a meet up postcard for this meet up (I kinda planned this late to the game) but I will have little gifts for people who attend. Hope you can make it!


My hand is in a brace due to a fall and I still can’t write. Tripped over my Star Wars bag (the force was not with me). I’m not going to make it this time after all, but I hope y’all have as good a time as we did over the summer! Safe travels to you, as well!

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Hello. I am here now. I am in the bigger room and i have on a pink shirt and purple glasses. See you soon!

Hi everyone!!! I am brand new to Postcrossings and would LOVE to attend an Atlanta meet up. Do we have any on the calendar for the new year? :slight_smile:

Is there one for this year? I’m new to postcrossing