[Asking for opinions] Appropriate time for receiving New Year Cards

I hope to hear from many postcrossers in the world.

When do you feel comfortable in receiving New Year cards from outside of your country?
December ok? Early January? Late January or February still okay?

In Japan, we send postcards and Post Office keeps until New Year’s Day. So receiving New Year cards in December is very strange domestically. We celebrate solar calendar New Year and I’m aware many other Asian countries celebrate lunatic New Year in February. How about other parts of the world?

I’d like to figure out when is the right time to send New Year’s cards abroad.


I think anywhere from late Dec to Feb works for many people.

Given that we have to account for mail travel time which is often unpredictable, a range of dates is needed.

Some cultures like to receive cards just around the time of an event which means trying to do our best with our postal systems.


December through February (or even March) for USA New Year, but honestly if it’s a cool postcard or Lunar New Year, any time of year is fine.


Western New Year: Late December (after Christmas) to February
Asian New Year: January to April

If it is a card matching any special wish: all year long :wink: (e.g. if someone collects cards with tigers on it and you have a Year of the Tiger card… go ahead)


Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts :grinning: very helpful

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