Apr. 24 2021 Wanzhou 4th Postcrossing Meetup, CHINA

:world_map: CITY: WAN ZHOU District
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: GuanYinQiao Post office of JiangBei District
:calendar: DATE: 2021.04.24
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00 A.M.
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Bring your own stamps and stationery, write postcards to others, and meet new friends.

Postcard 1:illustration of TanMuJiang,a famous comb brand of Wanzhou, branches are all over CHINA, you could find it in almost all cities of CHINA.

Postcard 2:illustration of Tiansheng Cheng, an ancient town built on a great mountain of Wanzhou, its purpose is to prevent enemy’s invasion.

Postcard 3: Wanzhou characters. all the words are about Wanzhou’s scenery, ancient name, delicacy and so on.

Postcard 4: The first one of “colorful Xinjiang” series, the scenery is autumn of Kanas. This series is aimed to support Xinjiang cotton and propagate Xinjiang Province.

Postcard 5: West Mount. bell tower, one of Wanzhou’s landmark, it’s over the west coast of Yangtze River.


你好,我之前没有参加过meet up,请问带的明信片和邮票有要求吗
