Anyone got all the US states and states of other countries?

Continuing the discussion from Anyone got all the US states?:

Hi BrianFraser. I am also a ‘box ticker’ and have all the US states, gathered over time. I almost have all Canadian provinces and territories (Nunavut is a hard one). I’m only missing Labrador. I know it’s officially Newfoundland & Labrador but I’d like postcard from Labrador City one day. I may have to travel there myself to get one it seems! LOL (that’s not likely). I’m now working on the traditional counties of UK & Ireland. It’s a collection born out of ‘fun’ not investment.


Yup. :slight_smile: At some point I started sorting my US postcards by states, and noticed I had at least one card from every state. From there, it took just a couple of direct swaps and I had 50. 51 if you count in Puerto Rico. but I don’t - because the sender of that card is rather independence-minded :wink:

I don’t have all of them, but I have quite a few. I was just organizing my postcards by country the other day so I’ll have to sort it out by state and see exactly how many I have. Even living in the U.S. my entire life, I’ve only traveled to 15ish states so I love receiving cards from U.S. states. I’m actually participating in a U.S. only Round Robin on the forum which is a lot of fun and nice to not have to spend so much in postage (though I definitely love the international aspect of the official Postcrossing cards).

I recently searched through my postcards from the USA and discovered I have cards from 32 different states (plus Washington DC, which I think is a separate territory).

I set up a display folder for a selection of my cards, with individual state flag stickers denoting the origin. I plan to do the same for the Canadian provinces and the Australian states. Then perhaps look at other countries (Bundesländer in Germany for example).

Does anyone else use this type of arrangement?

My received cards are stored in boxes alphabetically by country, and I have the Germany and USA cards separated by bundesland/state. I also have them separated this way in my flickr page. I have a lot of Russia cards, too, and I am planning to organize those next. As time allows I will work on other countries.

Just an FYI: Washington, DC, isn’t a state; it’s a district. DC stands for District of Columbia. Its creation comes directly from the US Constitution, which provides that the district, “not exceeding 10 Miles square,” would “become the Seat of the Government of the United States.” :blush:

I’m doing something similar my (long-term) goal is to complete:

  • one postcard from every country in the world
  • one postcard from every US state
  • one postcard from every province in Spain
  • one postcard from every region in Catalunya (where I live)

I’m very far from completing the first and the second :sweat_smile: and I’m in no hurry, the process is a lot of fun!

I use spreadsheets to keep track of what I have and what I don’t

I’m so glad folks still want US state cards as I never have the blue cats, fancy European cards, or stuff of the world…just plain regular US

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That list of states is what I am missing. What a coincidence!

If you’re looking for a postcard from Western Australia I can help you out :relaxed:

I absolutely love state cards. I also love Blue Cats, but my main postcard love is typical tourist cards, so also US State cards :smiley:

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I like those state postcards from LouPaper…I got some from Arizona to send…but I wanna collect all 50 states LouPaper postcards. The artist that creates them is British. Some people were asking her if she can make postcards of Puerto Rico since PR is part of America too

Hello! I want to collect postcards from every US state, if anyone is willing to trade any of these states for Barcelona/Spain, please let me know!

New Jersey
New Mexico
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

I have some state cards of smaller, more difficult states like Delaware, Rhode Island, etc. but am concerned that many people want them only sent from those places, or don’t bother!

I don’t mind where they’re sent from, I will PM you!

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I know California is a popular state, but I have a few cards I can swap if anyone needs one. And one from Boston, Massachusetts :sweat_smile: