Any store with cute storage boxes?

Im looking for ideas for cute storage boxes. I know I could DIY one but I’m not that good in this XD So I was hopping to get ideas or store links for something cute :slight_smile: thank you

Reusing a box from a subscription box service is often what I do for cute storage boxes.

Are you interested in beauty or make-up products at all? Glossybox and Look Fantastic are two beauty box subscriptions that often have cute, sturdy boxes. (Glossybox, especially. Although, not every box is “unique.” Many months are a plain pink box, some months have special patterns, like December had a sparkly winter scene and October had boxes that looked like fairy tale books, but November and January were the regular pink box)

Naturally, you wouldn’t want to subscribe to either of these JUST for the boxes, but if you like skincare and makeup stuff, and would enjoy receiving that stuff, you could reuse the boxes for whatever you wanted.

As for DIY - I bet you could decorate your own, even if you think you aren’t that good at it - being creative doesn’t need to be perfect. Far from it, in fact, I would say! It’s more about having fun.

And idea for a postcrossing box to store your cards or stamps might be to decopage old, used stamps all over a cardboard box. Or maybe paint a box to look like a typical mail-drop box in your country.


I’m a big fan of the Tjena boxes from IKEA. They come in different shapes and sizes. On the site you can see them in white, but also other colors and designs.


Do they have craft stores in Germany? Here in the US they have several, and I will buy storage boxes there. Often on sale after the holidays. Very pretty.

Right now due to COVID non essential stores are closed so I can’t go and look :confused: that’s why I asked here :slight_smile: I already checked Etsy but nothing.

Oh, I’m sorry; I wasn’t thinking about stores closing due to Covid. I read online there was a craft store in Germany called Bastel Stube, though I don’t know if they have an online site. Surprised Etsy didn’t have something, but maybe it’s a country thing. Amazon? Ebay? If it’s the decorated cardboard boxes here the stores are Michael’s, Joann, Hobby Lobby. I don’t know if they have an online for Germany though. Good luck!

I got this one from Amazon:

It is the perfect postcard size and came with 10 dividers.

Omg :scream: that is exactly what I would looking for! I need to find it in Germany haha. Because If not it’s like 40 dollar shipping XD

$40!! There’s gotta be a better way…on the hunt

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No, need to be sorry. Thanks for all the names I will start to search around :heart_eyes:

Tkmaxx won’t be open now but they’d sell that kind of thing. Maybe it’s helpful for when things open up again :blush:

That’s an awesome hint. We do have one here so I will watch out when they open again :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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But it’s a bit expensive in my opinion. Shipping is free though :smile:

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That’s a nice one, it’s because it’s made from Wood. If I won’t find anything else I consider it I guess XD

What about this:

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You could also try searching for storage boxes for photos. I have two of them and they‘re a great fit for postcards.

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Yup yup! Totally agree with @nekelin. The box I use is for photo storage.

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I will use a cardboard box for shoes… I use to keep them when I buy a pair of special shoes and I think now the time has come for my DocMartens box to b repurposed.

PS You can decorate such a box with gift wrapping paper if you don’t like the look

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Sostrene Grene have nice and affordable boxes.