Any interest in starting a May Day/Celebrating workers share/swap?

Hi Everyone, I’m testing the waters here to see if there is any interest in holding a
May Day/Celebrating workers postcard share and swap later in April?

These would be postcards celebrating or showing workers in their workplaces, May Day worker events, arts & culture celebrating workers, historical workers’ strikes/bargaining gains & campaigns/demonstrations/creative actions or other ideas I’d welcome people to add.

This last year has been so hard for workers all over the world. Especially essential & front line workers who often have not had the proper protection or economic support to do their jobs or survive layoffs/closures throughout this pandemic.

Workers have kept our supply lines going including postal services :smile:, kept healthcare & transportation going, schools & daycares going, kept our grocery & needed retail going and critical government services etc.

I think this last year has shown so starkly how capitalism exploits workers and doesn’t value our labour. We deserve more & will demand more & want a very different world going forward and there are lots of exciting discussions & organizing going on worldwide to this end. So lots to appreciate & celebrate I think.

I searched the old Forum, but I couldn’t find any shares or swaps, maybe there were some, but they didn’t come up in any searches I did.

So I’m looking for people to say they’re interested in participating & add other ideas/themes to the mix. And I wanted to give people a heads up & time to find or get cards. Thanks for your help!


Hello Lynn,
You have touched upon a very interesting and important topic.
In the modern world, the labor movement is “not in trend”. This theme is not reflected on the postcards, although I found 2 postcards on my site dedicated to workers. But these are reprints of Soviet posters.
Earlier, in the USSR, May 1 was a national, joyful holiday. By the way, greeting cards were popular. Now this day is a day off, but there are no festive events.


Well that’s too bad about your part of the world, but it is still celebrated in many places and could be again elsewhere, so I thought I’d ask the question & see who responded and who was interested.

Yes, the labour movement & movements for non-union workers are often suppressed or not popular & yet, they still can thrive & be needed & wanted by workers today, more than ever.

And yes, you don’t find many made postcards celebrating workers or May Day, but they can be found or made and that’s what I wanted to see if I could get started on here on Postcrossing. Thanks for your thoughts.

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I remember a People at work tag in the old forum quite long ago. Maybe it could be an option to start a poll in the Vote on new tags! topic and ask the community if enough members are interested in a Workers tag.
I think I have different postcards showing people at work but I cannot remember one with a May Day picture.

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Thanks for the history. I’m not super interested in a tag at this point. I’d rather get a share and swap done first, specific to May Day, before I’d want to commit to a tag that goes on for much longer.

Postcards of workers in their workplace are included in the description of what I’ve proposed so far as well - they don’t have to be specific to May Day.

Here’s what I found.

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And theese:

As you worked so you earned.
We have fulfilled the plan. And you?

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The one with the phone makes laugh - he clearly looks like he working on the outside superstructure of a building - lots of phones there eh? lol

Yes, she works on the construction of a high-rise building. There were intercom telephones.

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Okay glad you told me, it doesn’t really look like one though - looks like a desk phone.