Anecdotes with your mail carriers

Sometime ago, @kindnessgal (who doesn’t have a forum account) shared this story with me. I thought it was so nice, I asked her permission to repost it here. Enjoy!

I wanted to share with my story about Postcrossing. For some reason I have on several occasions I have forgotten to put the ID number on my postcards and I appreciate that you have been able to help the recipient locate the ID. This time however I forgot to put the addresses on several of my postcards (I was mailing a batch of 6 at one time). After I dropped them off in the out going mailbox which is located in our small neighborhood I then realized that I had forgotten to address some of them. I called the local post office to find out what I could do but they did not answer the phone. I went to the post office to speak with them directly and they said they were not sure what would happen to them since there was no return address on them either. They probably would put in the dead mail file at one of the sorting facilities. So I went home and left a note for the postal carrier asking them to put the postcards back into my mail box. I was not sure that would work so I kept going to the mailbox hoping I would run into the mail carrier to ask them in person to retrieve and return the postcards to me. I was lucky and was able to meet the carrier and explain the situation. Apparently the mail carrier knew my name and knew that I was always mailing and receiving postcards and even said that she started Postcrossing and telling others because of the postcards that she saw coming and going from my mailbox. So I will now be able to address these postcards and send them on their way.


May we all be blessed with caring and thoughtful mail carriers!


I have a PO box, so when I get a package, I have to go to the counter and tell them I’m here to pick up a package for Box # XYZ. My name isn’t pronounced like it looks in English - think Mary Smith pronounced as Susan Jones - so the Clerks call me “Postcard Lady.”

My post office knows me well enough that when the machine tears off all or part of the PO Box line and just leaves my city, state and ZIP code, I still get the postcards. I’ve gotten about 10 that way in the past year.


I just picked up a piece of registered mail from my post office (courtesy of a wonderful PCer), and the postal worked was very excited by all the lovely stamps and told me I needed to keep the envelope to show my grandchildren one day :joy: And then proceeded to give me tips on how to mail cookies.


I’m super interested in those tips to mail cookies :joy:

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Mostly to mail them with a flour tortilla or piece of bread so they don’t go stale.


I usually do the same for cookies at home. Mostly with a slice of bread. But never thought before about to use flat bread or tortilla to keep them fresh if I mail them.

Please give thanks to your postal worker from me. It is an awesome tip.


Hi !
Since a few months I have a new mail carrier. Today I came home at the same time she delivered the mails so we had a little chat because well… I’m receiving a lot of postcards compared to all my neighbors (you know what I mean haha).
She told herself “oh this lady has a lot of foreign friends” and then “well… no it’s too much postcards”. So she made a little research and then she created a postcrossing account :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
I’m so glad !!
We talked about the official postcards of course, and then we talked about round robins, lotteries… Maybe she’ll come soon in this forum :slight_smile: