All about sticker postcards

I bought one last summer when I visited the National Civil Rights museum however I just noticed it was a sticker card earlier this month. It’s oversized as well. I haven’t received one and didn’t know they were a thing.

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These cards I bought about five years ago, maybe. On the back it says 1995 and one has 1997 on it. Makes sense. They are shiny silver. I guess the cards were still in the shops because no one buys them anymore.

Those sticker cards remind me very much of my childhood.

I just remembered I have two!

One was written to me the other is blank. I really hope I can find more some day :relieved:

We are sending out our first 5 postcards and one of them is a Stickercard from our City. We Chose it because the Person we send it to loves Stickers :heart_eyes: and we do too

I know I have a few somewhere. Postcards with stickers with my name on it, I think. But they are old, from the end of the '80, beginning of the '90. Postcards are not that modern, I guess postcards with stickers even less…