All About "Repeated Countries" Option

Did you see @Bille’s reply to you - she has a suggestion that might help - if you unclick the “Repeated Countries” option on your profile you should get more variety.

Thank you for the reply. That is the odd one thing. I’ve not selected that option. Pure coincidence? The first 75 or so postcards went like everywhere and now just to 3 or 4 countries for 25 cards is a row.

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Sometimes it depends also on the time you request an address or if you draw only one at day or several addresses at once.

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Brazil hereee 🙋🙋

I don’t have repeated Countries on, but noticed that as soon as I reached 50 sent cards the variety of countries I was sending to significantly reduced. Before, I would never have two cards travelling to the same country. Now, usually 7 out of my 10 travelling cards are going to Russia, Germany or the USA.


Exactly my experience! Something of a algorithm thing?

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It must be to do with the algorithm!

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I have the same experience. I think that (This could be wrong :grimacing:) the algorithm gives different countries in advance at the start to the new members (in terms of sent cards) like us. After we receive some more slots (10), we should go through a mandatory “repeating” period to help with balancing the address pool. After we have sent another 20-30 cards, again we are receiving more variety of countries.


I switched repeat countries on a year ago in early December. I was interested to see where I’d sent my postcards to during this year, so I’ve made a list. (The two to France were drawn on 2nd and 3rd December last year, so it might have been just before I switched repeat on. All the others were definitely within that year.)

Brazil 1
Canada 1
China 1
France 2
Germany 170
Italy 1
Japan 2
Lithuania 1
Philippines 1
Poland 1
Russia 118
Singapore 1
Taiwan 1
USA 65


Interesting. Maybe for a change its good to be in the UK :uk: :thinking: I have some lovely cards from Germany/Russia. US they seem to take longer to travel at present as do those to/from China.
Cards in Europe travel fast so I can send/receive more from those places in the same period of time.

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This month I sent out 100 cards, because of the cards for literacy campaign in Germany. I never sent so many card in a month before and it’s unlike that this will happen in another month than December.

I requested all adresses with repeated countries ticked on. Here is the result:
(some cards are still travelling)

Germany 72
Russia 19
Thailand 1
all 100

The card to Thailand really was a nice suprise.


My fellow postcrossers…

I love Postcrossing, and I love my postcrossers from Germany and Russia… But, seriously, 100% of my “Random - Send a Postcard” to has been to Germany and Russia only. It’s not even “Fun” to click on “Send a Postcard” because 100% of the time is going to either Germany or Russia. Is anyone else having the same situation? I want to send to different countries or to my home country, USA. I have so many domestic postcard stamps I want to use, and I can’t.

Love you Germany and Russia, but I want a little change in scenery. LOL

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If you Activate “send to my own country” option, you will get addresses in the States

And I agree that sending cards to the same countries can be really boring

I would advise to turn off “repeat countries” (if you have not done it yet)

My situation is the same. My postcards go to Germany and USA and sometimes some other countries (France, UK, Finland) pop up

You can use domestic stamps on international mail. Just use enough of them to match the value of a global forever stamp.


Please keep in mind that the “repeated countries” option counts only for your sent cards. You still receive cards from different countries from all over the world.


I have had repeated countries option activated since I first learnt about it. However, I must deactivate it now. As for everybody, I got mainly addresses from Germany, Russia and USA, but with the huge increase in postal fares that new year has brought to Spain, USA and Russia are simply too expensive to risk an excess of addresses there: from 1’90€ in the case of the USA, and 1’60 for Russia, to 2’10 in both cases.
Fare for Germany has also been increased, of course, but not in such a crazy way.


I turned this yesterday on for the first time ever since 2014.
I drew 4 addresses and … 3 cards to Russia and 1 to Germany :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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While in Germany in Travel Mode I got addresses in US and RU. Not one single DE, as this is impossible. Around half of the number of cards sent I had Repeated switched on.

US became very slow. Russia celebrates Christmas in the new year.

@thuegirl I’m from NL - in Travel Mode you never get an address from the country where you are travelling. But back in NL I got 4 DE!!

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Maybe, i’ve been faster than you. And then I draw the german addresses before you had a chance. :wink:

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Ok, I haven’t used travel mode yet. Thanks for explanation.

To read this thread it is better to reply to my answer instead of changing your post - Only a tip.

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