All about Favourites

For me favorites cards are those I received ,so that is why it would be great to separate wish list and favorite cards received


I use the favorites as a wishlist and I do look over othersā€™ favorites to get a better sense of what they would like to receive from me. I filled out the survey yesterday and wish I had mentioned this, but maybe others will.


I think I would never favourite cards to a separate wall either.
Because, favouriting all would make no sense. And I donā€™t want to choose only few, because then it looks Iā€™m hard to please. And sometimes I get a card and itā€™s nothing special, but later when I read it, I found something I really like.

(I like Postcrossing in the sense, that what do you do/give for a stranger, when you get nothing back. So not a Hurray, not a like etc. (Of course you can get these, but Iā€™m not after these, and will not be pushed to that if I like a card, I should favourite it etc. ))


Hello, here are some questions about the Wall of Favorite

Iā€™ve seen profiles stating ā€œThe postcards I want are all in my wall of favoriteā€, so I was wondering how they find a specific card to ā€œfavoriteā€, are there any tips on finding a card? Or do you just spend lots of time scrolling through the recent postcards album or otherā€™s sent/ receive list? That would be super time consuming so Iā€™m not sure whether it is possible or not.

Iā€™m not using the wall of favorite as a wish list, so that might not be a big problem to me, but sometimes when I see a nice postcard somewhere, I would love to give it a heart.


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Hi @sunnychen_tw
I moved your question to this topic because thats a better place for it.
Maybe youā€™ll even find an answer here.

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Easiest way to use someoneā€™s favorite wall is to choose your country and see if you have a specific card, or just use it as general suggestions. Today I drew a member who likes illustrations; I didnt have any favorited in the US section, but I have similar illustrated park and nature cards so it helped me select one to send.


Regarding finding cards to favorite, I either favorite cards I happen to come across when interacting with other members, or when I feel like it I will scroll through a couple gallery pages. I donā€™t think thereā€™s really a search function or anything.


A wall of favorites usually builds up slowly over time. Most often I find cards to add to it when Iā€™m looking at the wall of someone Iā€™m sending a postcard to. I always look there, so itā€™s no extra work for me. Occasionally I also look through the gallery of all received postcards, when I have nothing better to do or I have a little time to kill. Itā€™s always interesting to see what cards are being sent around the world, and every now and then I find a card or two I want to add to my favorites.

A few times a year I also go through my favorites, especially the older ones, and delete a few. Maybe after many, many years I donā€™t like them all as much anymore, sometimes I also realize I favorited a card multiple times. I also delete a card from my favorites when I have received the same card, if I am aware itā€™s from my favorites. :wink:


My profile isnā€™t much help in narrowing things down, as pretty much any card will do (other than my one stated trigger topic). However, some senders really do want a bit of guidance, so I have a few favorites that made an impression. I realized it might be a good idea to clarify things when I added one because of the message, not really thinking, where the picture was okay, not impressive. Later, I received a similar card with a message comment that she sent it because I had favored one like that.

It canā€™t be considered rude, you can do with favorites section whatever you like
I like all cards I receive and always telling this to sender but my favorites kind of wishlist. It consists of cards I donā€™t have and will be happy to receive.


I only favourite cards I have not received. I use it as my own wall for cards I really like but donā€™t own. So if I receive a card I have favourited, I un-favourite that card. Because now I own it in person!


Hi. Just wondered as a newbie what you use the favourites for? Is it cards recieved cards you want to recieve or something else?

I donā€™t have an extensive profile, so folks have told me that they use my favorite list to get an idea of what to send. Since I do value every card I receive, I donā€™t have a problem selecting certain ones as being of particular interest.

Yes, half of my favorites arenā€™t even ones that Iā€™ve received. Itā€™s others that I saw within postcrossing and thought were cool.:smile:

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People use the favourites function in lots of different ways. It really helps if you state how you are using it in your profile.
For example ā€œmy favourites wall contains cards I have already receivedā€ or ā€œmy favourites wall contains cards I would love to receiveā€


I think most people do it like this. But you donā€™t have to. I
just put a favorite on cards I really like, there are some I have received myself and some I have seen on other profiles. If you do it like that, you might get the same card more than once, but I donā€™t mind that (the message is always unique).

Interesting that you consider yourself a newbie after 6 years of Postcrossing :sweat_smile:

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I am especially happy when one of my sent cards is a Favorite <3.
I have now received the first time the feedback that the card I selected did not meet the wishes, I should try harder. On the profile it asks to select a card from the favorites wall with more than 2000 images.
I would appreciate it very much if a distinction is made between the cards received that are particularly well liked and the cards that someone wishes to receive.


Lol i meant to the forums and the use of favourites. Never really thought about it till now 6 years later when people comment look at my favorites just thought they were postcards you liked

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Can the cards placed in your favorites be put under themes or categories? Iā€™ve noticed on quite a few membersā€™ page that their favorites are a whole page of perhaps flowers or bridges. They have many pages and most appear to have a different theme.

No, you just favourite a card and the latest one becomes the ā€œfirstā€.
I never actually look those by page, but always choose Finland, and see what they have favourited from here.

Sometimes I have noticed a member favourites my card/s few times, so I guess they are arranging their wall :slight_smile:

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