All about Favourites

This is lovely and very reassuring, thank you :blush: I may be just a little too anxious about the whole thing :sweat_smile:


I only mark the cards I really like as a favourite. And of course the once I would like to get as an inspiration for other what to send. But I must say, I always like the people who mark nearly every card they get as a favourite.But I think these are the once who are not playing any tags in the forum.


I usually disregard this and if I look at the favourite pages, I might look at two or three of them, but not more. Vice versa I do not expect someone to browse my 5500 received cards or my 3000 favourites.


I only favourite cards I donā€™t have.

I would feel bad not to favourite someoneā€™s card (from my received ones), if Iā€™d favourite some others.
Besides I donā€™t need it to bee visible if the receiver likes my card; they can tell it in their Hurray.

I like to look the favourite lists when they are wishes, I choose my country, and since I keep only smallish card amount (always under 200) I remember what cards I have and itā€™s easy to see if they have the same card there.

I do often get a card from my favourite list, but this is not the main intention. Also, surprisingly often I too have something from the receivers favourite list.

From the favourites I often see if they like more photo cards, or illustrations, or more cutesy than realistic. Colourful or black and white etc. And if I donā€™t have any, always my choise is good enough :slight_smile:

In general, I think itā€™s meant to make the sending and card choosing easier (and I mean this with my favourites as well), not more difficult.

Of course someone will think itā€™s difficult, and even annoying, but then, someone donā€™t like when thereā€™s no wish list, and when they accidentally send a double, when they thought they donā€™t have cards from favourite wall :slight_smile:

Just do what is best for you.

To me, itā€™s most ā€œdepressingā€ when the person received 1000 cards or more and only favourited maybe 20-50 of them, all showing topics I donā€™t have, so itā€™s little dull sending a card they probably wonā€™t like and almost like theyā€™re emphasising their limited wishes by only liking what they collect. But this is rare, which is good.


I have only cards on my favourites that I didnā€™t receive yet. In the beginning I marked received cards as favourites but then didnā€™t feel well to not favourite some other cards. I always say thank you to the sender and will let them know that I really truly love their card. It happens only once in a while that I receive a card that is not my taste, but someone choose it for me, wrote a message - or not - and my address and put a stamp on it and brought it to the mailbox. I appreciate the effort that everyone makes, some more then others. I do not expect people to go through my favourite list, but I enjoy doing it myself for others. And I often find just the one card they didnā€™t receive yet. And even though I have more than a thousand unwritten cards, I most of the times know that Iā€™ve just thĆ”t card for the receiver. I check only the favourite cards send from the Netherlands, Germany or Belgium if thereā€™s a long list of favourite cards. For me thatā€™s part of connecting to the person Iā€™m going to write to before writing the card.
I think weā€™re free to ask like a saying says: ā€œNee heb je, ja kun je krijgenā€
or in english - ā€˜Youā€™ve got a no, but you can get a yesā€™. Itā€™s up to the sender what he or she does with the request.
But I do agree, I also donā€™t like it if people are making a demand out of it. Weā€™re all here for fun because we love writing and receiving postcards. And allthough I do have some ā€˜rather notā€™ receiving cards on my profile I enjoy every card I receive.


One day, I will be this personā€¦

Sometimes, people send me cards from my favourites so I also try to have only cards in it that I would like to receive and that I donā€™t have yet.

And apparently, there are also a lot of people who check the favouritesā€“but only from their own country. So I try to have a lot of diversity in countries, too. But that is still a work in progress.

I donā€™t expect anyone to look at my favourites. It is just an offer for those who like to look at all the pretty pictures. I know I do. Not every time, but sometimes. :slight_smile:

I wish we could have two separated favourite walls, one for received cards and one from cards we love and we have not received.

My wall is a mix. I use to favourite most cards I receive that show one of my favourite themes, and also cards of different themes I liked very much anyway. And also cards I didnā€™t received myself.


I use the favourite wall as an inspiration for what someone likes. I always check what kind of cards from my country they like and I check the received wall for what they have received. In combination with the profile I like to sent something matching. If I donā€™t have a clue, because no favourites on the wall or on the profile, I just pick one that I really like.

If someone doesnā€™t favourite a card Iā€™ve sent, I am not likely to notice that. So I am not offended.

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A stupid question: how do you un-favorite a card?

You simply click the heart again, that removes it from your favourites.


I use my favorites wall as a wishlist and I often receive cards that are pictured or at least have something in common with what I have favorited. I donā€™t think anyone expects you to look at all of the cards you have marked. Most people look at their own country or the first page. I may not have exactly the card someone marked, but I may notice that a lot of their favorites feature daisies or orange cats or summery looking picnic tables and maybe I have a similar card. So thatā€™s how I use it for sending and receiving.


Reading this thread, it seems like Postcrossing really needs separate ā€œlikeā€ and ā€œwishlistā€ functions, as the two ways people use the current ā€œfavouriteā€ function seem fundamentally incompatible


I use my favorites as a ā€œwishlistā€ to show what I like. No idea if anyone ever looks at it, I do when I send a card, but yeah, thatā€™s how I use it :smiley:

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I use my favorites for the postcards received that I like more or that I find special and if it exactly suit my tastes but it is not a wishlist for me . I use it for me and to show to the sender that I really liked the postcard

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Why did you decided that?

I donā€™t think itā€™s rude not to favorite every card.
What would be the point to favorite every card ? I like each card I receive but some of them are really my favorites ! And then I always write a Thank you message to the sender when I register the card .


Iā€™d like to ask you how important it is for you to receive favorites on your sent cards. I give many favorites, also to my received cards of course, and I am happy when people favorite my cards but in the end, I donā€™t really care.
I ask because I just stumbled upon a (old) comment somewhere in the forum where someone complained about me and others who they have sent official cards to. The person thought they had picked the perfect cards but the receivers didnā€™t favorite them.
I received that card in a stressful time when I also had an address change so it could be that this card was auto-registered. When I had more time later, I favorited it, because it was a really great card, but I didnā€™t do it right away and now I feel a little bad because it seems to be a big disappointment for the sender.
What are your thoughts?

For me, not important. I donā€™t need that sort of ā€œverificationā€.
Many members keep there only cards they donā€™t have.

This sounds to me they donā€™t care if you really like it, only the ā€œpublic likeā€. :frowning:


I never favourite my received postcards but only those I hope to receive one day. I use my favourite wall as a wishlist.

When I draw addresses, I look at their favorite wall and send one of them if I happen to have one. Most of the time I donā€™t remember to check if the person has already received the postcard, so itā€™s possible that Iā€™m sending the same card they already have.


I like when my sent postcard became a favorite if I have chosen a special one for a member but if it is not there is no worry,it is just a plus . And if I receive one which exactly suits my tastes I want to add to my favorites to show that ,and it is not a wishlist it is just to show postcards I really liked!