AI creations.. does anyone know if you can print them out as postcards

I use the bing app and keep making nice photos would love to turn into cards, but I don’t think you can. Unless anyone else has any ideas?


I’ve used Zazzle to turn my photos into postcards. I found it quite inexpensive and was able to upload my photos to their site. shipping was fast. I’m not sure of other sites although canva and Redbubble might be other options.

I think Bing retains copyright on AI creations so I’m not sure of the legalities- probably at least you should include that attribution on the back side


@TwasBrillig That is not necessary. I am currently reading a book about “The Public Domain.” Books, Films, Art, etc that in the Public Domain that have no copyright. The author, Stephen Fishman, is a Copyright attorney. He has a section that covers this area (works created by animals or machines).

■ Copyright protects only works that area created by Human Beings

“Moreover, there is no copyright in works produced by a machine or mere mechanical process that operates randomly or automatically without any creative input or intervention from a human author.”


Section 7 says
7. Use of Creations. Subject to your compliance with this Agreement, the Microsoft Services Agreement, and our Content Policy, you may use Creations outside of the Online Services for any legal personal, non-commercial purpose.

So that sounds like you can use the image but not have it printed up to sell the image.

And this sounds like he says Microsoft Bing cannot be the creator. So you could be the creator and own the full copyright.

But that Microsoft user agreement above seems to require you to agree that your rights are restricted and you cannot use it for some purposes - like commercial purposes. So you might have a legal fight on your hands with Microsoft if you try to exercise some of your rights under copyright law. I’m not a lawyer- perhaps there is someone out there with legal training who could comment further on this.

(Partly important, partly humorous thing to observe, here anyone can say to be something, like someone actually claimed to know about law/being a lawyer, saying if they have something in their hands, they have all rights to do whatever they want with it, because they own it. So, sell a gun to a child, drugs to anyone, others personal information to a fake id maker…? :smile: I would not trust such a person with so vague wording can have not much to do with knowing about law. So please don’t fully believe if someone here says it’s ok.)

If I wanted to print such, I would contact the app maker, ask clearly if it’s ok to print to your own use and send, and if, what information there should be, if any. And then save the answer just in case.

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@TwasBrillig according to attorney Fishman, any work with little or no human interaction cannot be copyrighted; whether digital, print or whatever.

Another example: a photograph taken by a monkey. That photo cannot be copyrighted either. Consistent with the principle of no human interaction .

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Can you physically print the images out as postcards? Yes, most AI image generators will output images at high enough resolution (although you might have to pay for a ‘premium’ account or run the models on your own PC).

Can you legally print the images out as postcards? That’s a different question…

Law in this area varies across the world. @MartynHst43277, you’re in the UK where our Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act specifies that computer-generated works are subject to copyright. The author (copyright holder) “shall be taken to be the person by whom the arrangements necessary for the creation of the work are undertaken” even if no ‘true’ human author can be identified. This is different to a lot of other countries.

So who is the person who made the necessary arrangements for the creation of these images? You probably wrote the prompt, but what about the people who trained the AI model? Or the people who made the images used to train that model? They were arguably involved in making the necessary arrangements for these images to be created. Law firms are currently grappling with this problem, and will be until we have clarity from the courts (see e.g. here and here).

While Bing might agree not to sue you, that doesn’t necessarily mean that someone else won’t. Getty Images, for example, have launched several lawsuits against AI image generators alleging that Getty’s images were used to train these AIs without permission (see e.g. here and here). So, what would happen if the AI includes some recognisable part of its training data (e.g. part of someone else’s copyrighted photo) in an image it outputs to you, and you make copies of that image?

In short, I’d stick to using images which are wholly your own creation, or are clearly licensed for your intended use (e.g. with a suitable Creative Commons licence).

Of course, nothing here is legal advice. If you’re determined to use AI-generated images, and you’re worried about the legality of making copies of them, then you should seek professional legal advice from a qualified IP lawyer.

It’s not quite as simple as that, especially in the UK, as several respected lawyers and commentators have made clear.


@rvalkass Re: Your mention of Getty Images. The company has a very large domain of Public Domain images that they license to the public for a fee. In return, fee paying licensees can utilize the company’s specialized image search tools & research support. Moreover, they will indemnify purchasers against any legal claims arising from the use of their images.

Getty Images allege that the AI image generation platforms did not pay for such a licence (see e.g. here, here, and here). Therefore, there is no such indemnity against legal claims.

I certainly wouldn’t want to run the risk of asking an AI to generate an image of “a giraffe using a telephone box” or “a telephone box in front of a village church”, printing dozens of copies, and then finding out from some lawyers that the AI has simply reproduced someone else’s copyrighted image of a giraffe, telephone box, or church.


if I remember correctly some years ago some bloggers got in serious trouble with getty because of pictures they used in their blogposts (which they took from picture search - as probably AI does too I guess - and getty claimed to have rights to)
Would certainly not take that risk with that in mind.

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On another news, Getty made it’s own AI image generator from it’s own images while legally paying the royalties to training data image owners.

On another news, OpenAI recently announced in their devday “copyright shield”

Copyright Shield—we will now step in and defend our customers, and pay the costs incurred, if you face legal claims around copyright infringement. This applies to generally available features of ChatGPT Enterprise and our developer platform.

And Microsoft copilot enterprise customers who use their guardrails code (not the direct bing chat) while generating things are also offered “Copilot copyright commitment”