"Aggressive" reply from an user

That’s unfortunate. It is always a good idea to keep the evidence in such cases. Hopefully they will be blocked sooner or later. The chances are they do it to more users. This behaviour is something that cannot be tolerated.


this exactly. you don’t have to swap cards or whatever with everything who asks you. you’re allowed to say no. if it doesn’t feel right or you’re just not interested, why would you agree to swap?


I would try to cancel the swap.
If he says he had already sent something, I would wait until this something has arrived. May be you can send then to his country. If not, he must wait until it’s possible. It’s not your problem that it’s not possible, and you don’t have to do things in a way a stranger person wants you to do it. It should not be a problem to send the swap when it’s possible again, unless he’s changing adress. All those "sending and "going to close account"things aren’t caused by you and you should not have to solve them.
I would declare ONCE what you are going to do. If there are some more bad - naughty - responses, I would set his email account on my spam-list.


I always trust people here because since I joined in 2009, I never had a problem before. It became weird after I told him that I can’t send him the card.


As I have said many, many times before:
■ Decline requests for swaps received on the Official Postcrossing side
■ If others ask for a swap, they should mail first. If they put up a stink, ignore them. You probably avoided being cheated.


I understand. You don’t have to bend to every request, you’re not an all-time people pleaser.
Unfortunately, the internet is open space to all kind of people, even the strange ones.
Next time someone asks you and comes with a strange fishy excuse, please take a deep breath, reconsider what’s the situation like, and if your inner voice is screaming, or you feel uncomfortable, just say no.
The person you have to trust and protect first and foremost is YOU! :heartpulse:


I’m sorry it happened to you. I got few direct swap request from the official site and I’m glad everything went well. Perhaps changing the status to “not interested in direct swap” on official site is the best option, maybe adding “private swap only through forum” on official Postcrossing profile would be better too if you still want to do direct swap

Reading other members experiences with creeps honestly surprised me! I didn’t think on the Postcrossing realm someone wants to catfish :skull::joy: and bother female users (like in many mainstream social media)

But I guess on internet these days, nothing is really a safe space anymore ~


Sorry, you’ve had to deal with this creep. I’ve had a few men, try to insist about getting my email too & to be honest, I never give it out & tell people like that, that’s my policy.

There are 2 message systems we can use, the official one on Postcrossing & the Forum & very seldom, unless you want to, would you ever need to use your email in an exchange.


Interesting. I got a message about three days ago from a man, asking to do a direct swap. I am new here (only been on two months), so I don’t know much about this. He asked for my address. I have not answered back. I’m uncomfortable handing out my address right now. He is on the other side of the world (I live in the States), so it’s highly unlikely he would seek me out and come to my doorstep, but I still didn’t want to give my address. When I set up my profile, I said “interested in direct swaps,” but I honestly didn’t know what it meant. I have since amended my profile to say, “not interested in direct swaps.” I’ve been feeling guilty about not answering his message, but now I don’t feel so guilty. I’ll just continue to ignore his message. Hopefully, he’ll get the hint. I don’t think you’re overreacting. It’s important to listen to your gut. If something feels off, it probably is. Your guy seems a little to aggressive to me. Can you contact the Postcrossing admins directly and ask what their advice is?


Hopefully he won’t be around anymore.

I just saw that his account has been suspended! All good👍🏻


Hi @Galerna! Would you contacting the team about this through the Contact form, and forwarding us the messages that made you feel uncomfortable?

I have a suspicion I know you’re referring to, as we’ve recently received another complaint from a different member about a similar issue… hence that account being suspended. Looking at your case (and knowing this is not a singular event) would help us decide how to proceed, so your help in this would be appreciated! :slight_smile:

And for everyone else, if someone makes you uncomfortable in Postcrossing, please do let the team know via the Contact form, so that something can be done.