Advertisement consent pop-up for EEA + UK

Hey everyone!

This is a small heads-up about the new consent pop-up that you’ll see in Postcrossing, if you’re in the EU (technically, the EEA) or the UK.

We dislike these pop-ups as much as anyone else, and for a long time, we were able to avoid having them in Postcrossing by switching off personalized ads completely. But now Google is requiring everyone to show their pop-ups, no matter the kind of ads on the website. Displaying ads is what allows us to run Postcrossing and keep it free for everyone, so it’s not something that we can switch off.

To be clear, this pop-up is solely about advertising: you’re being asked to choose the browsing information you want to share with Google and its advertising partners and to decide about their use of cookies on your device. Please note that this does not change anything about how Postcrossing itself uses the information you store with us (e.g., email, address), which is never shared with any company, as detailed in our Privacy Policy.


Thanks for letting us know. I thought I had mistakenly clicked on an ad!
The pop-ups are a right pain, but they are everywhere and those of us affected are probably used to them by now!


I haven’t seen anything. But that I use a pop-up blocker explains that.

No, you not being in the EU/EEA/UK explains that :grin:


Thanks for the explanation.

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