Advent calendar postcards - where can I purchase?

Where can I purchase Christmas advent calendar postcards (not folded cards) online please ?

I received one and it was so lovely.


Christmas advent calendar postcards? Wow! What is it? Could u take a photo your one for me please?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen an advent calendar postcard - there’s a big choice of small advent calendars in Germany, but I only know them as folded cards (“Klappkarte”, “Doppelkarte”), like these ones:

Does the card you recieved mention the publisher?

You could also ask the German sender. :wink:


Hi, I received a beautiful Christmas postcard with 24 little doors/windows to open starting 1st December up to Christmas Eve, each one had a little picture behind :christmas_tree::santa:t2:, I really loved it…

Like this ….


And what do the postcards look like inside? In Russia foldcards are very large… maybe I don’t know.

Thanks, will have a look, or as you ask the sender… :grin:

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So is it flat?

Yes, like a usual postcard.

Its strange, but I can not found it… Youtube too… Hm.

I’m interested in further information as well! :slightly_smiling_face:

They’re empty inside. I have one left and took a photo:

The size of the card is 17x12cm, slightly bigger then a normal postcard.

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I have this one,

This is the back. It is a normal postcard.
But i can not remember ever purchased them…


These advent calendar postcards of “SOS Kinderdorf” are AD cards, they send them to their supporters during advent time. I do not think that you can buy them anywhere.