Adress change

Good evening,
I’m Elena and I started Postcrossing this year (something which I’m very happy about :slight_smile: and, as I do every year, I’m leaving my home town from July to the 10th of September, more or less.
I’m wondering if it would be wise to set my account inactive and then, change the adress (and then change it again in September) or if it would be wiser to set it to “travel mode”, even though I wont recieve postcards for about 2 months

Thank you very much in advance for your answer and for allowing me to participate on such a wonderful community.
Also, I’m looking for pen friends,so if you would like to exchange letters, please let me know.

In Travel mode your adress will not go out, it’s basically the same like inactive.
In both setups -travel mode and inactive - you still can send postcards.

In either way, it’s wise to set your account a few weeks before moving to inactive or travel mode, so cards that are now on the way have time to reach you.


Then I recommend heading over to Penpals! Maybe you’ll find a penpal there. :slight_smile:

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Do you want to receive postcards at your summerplace too? Then you could think about changing the adress. But keep in mind that postcards might arrive there also in September or even October after you have left again already, so you would have to have some arrangement for access/forward-delivery.

If you only want to send, you should simply go to travelmode. I think that’s what I would do.

Like Jarana wrote, maybe you set your account to travelmode resp. inactive very soon, otherwise your next sent-card-registered will trigger your present homeadress being given out


Okay. Thank you very much Steve
Now I understand better how it works
I believe I’m going to change the adress, given the information you have given me

Great. Thank you very much @Norway_girl

I would not change the address. Too much risk that cards will arrive after you come back to your place, after September. [or if you have someone there that can receive the cards for you and send the ID to register them, then it will be better].
Or… you change the address now, and go inactive sometime in August, so your address won’t be given.
You can only change the address once every 60 days if I remember correctly - so you can’t change it back in August (I know you are still away in August, but any cards will take 1-2-3… weeks to get to you).