Add "Virtual" as a location on the meet up page

Virtual meet ups have been occurring during the pandemic. While generally they are listed by the host with a location of wherever the host is, they often can be attended by anyone anywhere. I hosted a virtual meet up yesterday and had attendees from all over North America as well as from Europe.

While I would certainly much prefer a face-to-face meetup, for many of us that is just not feasible during the pandemic. Additionally, this format allows postcrossers who might otherwise never be able to meet face-to-face to interact, exchange ideas, share favorites and resources they use, and demonstrate their continued commitment to the hobby. I had many new postcrossers join us yesterday, and across the board, they were all grateful for the pointers and advice they received from more experienced attendees.

Virtual meet ups should be encouraged, not as a replacement for face-to-face, gatherings, but rather as an additional means to spread the joy of post crossing.