A suggestion to banknote collectors

A suggestion to banknote collectors

As it seems to me many people in your part of the world collect foreign currency. But the problem is that here in Germany and other European countries there are no banknotes of small value. The banknotes here start with a 5 Euro note and that is already a lot of money. I could buy the postage for as many as 5 other postcards for that…
And with coins there are some with small value but German Post changed its rules a few years ago so that it is not allowed anymore to send small things in a letter, and sending it as a parcel costs a fortune!
And besides, Euro banknotes are the same in all European countries where they are used. They show the same buildings that do not exist in reality.
Here is my suggestion: In your profiles you could ask for 0 Euro banknotes. There are issued more and more of them which show beautiful pictures of the places they come from. It costs some money to buy them but not much more than a special postcard, so it can happen that someone will send you something like this if you make clear that you would be happy to receive something like this.
Happy postcrossing! :slightly_smiling_face:


The smallest package from Germany to India costs 1086.69 INR postage plus customs.

The 0 Euro bills are no official baknotes.

That just as additional information.

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