A Coruña, Spain. 14.04.2024. Small meet-up

:world_map: CITY/REGION: A Coruña
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Las mesitas del Orzán
The meet-up will be on the beach :slight_smile: It is one place with these name on google.maps

Not my photo. Stone tables.
:calendar: DATE: 14.04.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11.00-13.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: to have fun and to sign postcards


  1. @Magic_paper_ann
  2. @vg_postcrossing (Germany)


Que rabia, el mes de abril no estoy…

¡Creo que esta no es la última reunión! Tengo muchas ganas de conocer a los postcrossers en A Coruña.


Love to swap

I will be glad to exchange )))
If my links never open, then I can offer Stavropol counter postcards and many other topics for exchange: foxes, bears, cities, food, flowers, birds, owls, wine Stavropol, famous personalities, characters and more.

The meet-up will be on the beach :slight_smile: It is one place with these name on google.maps

Not my photo. Stone tables.


Saludos desde Barcelona ! ¿Alguien puede enviarme una postal del encuentro? Nosotros tenemos uno el día 20/04 Podríamos intercambiar las tarjetas :pray: Mucho éxito y pasadlo genial! :slight_smile:

Hello! I will be glad to exchange :smiling_face:
my postcards to swap:

I will be glad to exchange :blush:
My album:

Hi everyone, I want to swap for this postcard :slightly_smiling_face:
My offer:
Instagram: http://instagram.com/walking__bun
Or swap albums (in Russian social networking):
1 - Обмен #1 🐙 – 80 Bilder | VK
2 - Обмен #2 🐯 – 80 Bilder | VK
3 - Обмен #3 – 80 Bilder | VK
4 - Обмен. Рок-музыканты – 11 Bilder | VK
5 - Обмен. Открытки из СП – 80 Bilder | VK
Meet-up - Обмен. Встречные – 80 Bilder | VK

If both don’t open for you - please post the themes you collect and I will photograph the postcards for you separately. :slight_smile:

Greetings from Moscow, Irina :nesting_dolls:

I’m looking for. If it doesn’t open, I will send a photo of your vishlist
СП обмен – 80 Bilder | VK Сп
Встречные(обмен) не для – 43 Bilder | VK Встречные
Уютные миры(книги, посткроссинг) | Обмен(exchange) – 80 Bilder | VK Обменник

Hi. i will be glad to exchange)

This is my swap album

Hi, I want to exchange for this postcard
My suggestion: Обмен/ swap. – 80 Bilder | VK

Hello! Can somebody swap with me for this beautiful card?

I will be glad to exchange
My album:Альбомы: Гарри Поттер - https://vk.com/album-223422399_301472933.. | Хомячьи закрома | VK

@shulllena @Irina_Eremina @azazax @Christiana_Nemesis @Walking_Bun @Eteri

As you are here in Spain I would like to ask you to edit your post and write only in English or in Spanish.
Talking in your mother tongue is only allowed in Russia and Russian - Русский.
Thank you.


I did write for russian and for foreign postcrossers on english - swap in Instagram

Waiting for swap🥰
Cards for swap in VK:
Meet-up cards:

Foreign swap in Instagram: postcrossing_kristy

I will be glad to exchange.
My postcards for swap is here: Telegram: Contact @p_kate_swap
Or here:
Обменник / Wishlist | VK
Thank you).

I’m looking for an exchange)
Since I’m looking for an exchange myself, you don’t have to pay attention to the comments in the album.

There are also additional postcards available for exchange.
Lena Zakharova, rock singers and postcards from Irina Kiyan.
I’ll send you a PM if you’re interested.