A card came back to me as address not recognized

My postcard to Germany was returned (I see in traveling that it had been 89 days). I’m pretty certain I copied the address correctly but the post office stickers tore off my writing.

I have now put a new stamp on & had Postcrossing.com print the address. Will send again.

When I look at the person’s profile, she/her has been on the site about 16 hours ago.

I hope this makes it to she/her now. Address must be correct as she/her has received 5,959 Postcards

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It happened to me with an US address. I contacted the postcrosser to ask if there had been some change in their address and they said not. So I resent the same postcard in an envelope . That one arrived. Same address. Go figure :woman_shrugging:t2:

Good luck for your postcard!