Compendium about postcard wishes

A brief and by no means comprehensive compendium of Postcrossers’ postcard “wishes,” as evidenced by the writings on their profile pages.

lighthouses, The Smurfs, Tim and Struppi, Fabarge eggs, “Millais, Klimt, Degas, Renoir, Monet, Turner, Pissaro,” Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter, “Please, NO Harry Potter,” “something funny,” “ladies with a fan,” dragonflies, UNESCO sites, “winding staircases,” “spiral staircases,” “cards with firetruck, and fireman,” dragons, Vladimir Zarubin, Peanuts and Asterix, Spirou and Fantasio, Lucky Luke, The Adventures of Blake and Mortimer, bridges, covered bridges, llamas, sloths, barns clocks, Amish, axolotls, puffins, Pisanki eggs, “castles, chateaux and interesting places,” tractors, sunsets “doors and windows,” mailboxes, “mining and quarrying,” skyscrapers,TV towers, aerial views, cemeteries, “architectural details,” street art, “happy people of all ages,” Sherlock Holmes, “nuns and monks,” The Who, Patti Smith, Dylan, Nirvana, Amy Winehouse, “people on zebra crossings,” “seaside resorts,” puppet theaters, umbrellas, “umbrellas and wellingtons,” “washing lines,” cartoons, Adam Lambert, “cozy places,” “mothers with children,” “ferris wheels and merry-go-rounds,” “lanterns and candles,” “tulips, lavendars, lupines,” “strange things,” “windows with flowers,” aurora borealis, “cows and sheeps,” “birthday card in March,” “piggy, dog, cat, sheep,” Egyptology, “working people,” moors, maximum cards, “streetlights, boats, benches,” “wolfs, seals, bats, owls, hedgehogs,” Autumn, “door opener,” “cards with red-haired woman,” “local food and recipes,” alphabets, volcanos, rainbows, hot air balloons, tourist maps, hydrangeas, “horse, unicorns, Pegasus,” teddy bears, night views, “sailors or life on a ship,” suitcases, lightbulbs, mermaids, macaroons, “panda, koala, piggy,” dinosaurs, Frida Kahlo, Russian metro stations, beer, museums, “greetings from,” Vulkans, “cats, bats and owls,” Grey’s Anatomy, skulls, ghosts, zombies, vampires, day of the dead, angels, demons, “unusual trees in unusual places,” “a reading person,” flowers, bouquets, vampires, “old cameras, film rolls, polaroids,” “space, planets, stars,” “bookshops, diaries, newspapers,” “PUNKS!,” Blue Cats, motorcycles, airplanes, trains, sharks, “Homunculus loxodontus by Margriet van Brevert,” “house M.D.,” “Downton Abbey, North and South,” “Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Romy Schneider, Greta Garbo,” “quokka, the happiest animal on earth,” “Lamborghini, Ferrari, VW,” Lilo and Stitch, “sunshine through trees, forests in a fog, treetops from the ground,” typewriters, watches, tattoos, “sky jumping, paragliding, mountains, waterfalls, tea.”


And what? that’s like 5 profiles right? lol


No, it’s only half of one.

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Well then that’s ok. You can send anything. Or did I miss something that is not included?

you forgot squirrels.



[takes notes]

You left out Tubas, Pink Parking signs and Mariachi bands !

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Clearly it was a typo.


I didn’t include Tubas, Pink Parking signs and Mariachi bands because that’s what YOU’RE here for!

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In only one language, hopefully.

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Yes, just one language. It’s hard enough to compose a postcard wishlist in iambic pentameter as it is without throwing multiple languages into the mix, too.

That’s certainly not the type of “can do” spirit that we’ve all come to expect of you.

What (?) … no :sun_with_face: , :rainbow: and :lollipop: ? :musical_note: :laughing:

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Emojis are a recent cultural phenomenon and therefore are not included on the compendium. I’m kind of old-fashioned, in that respect.


Why isn’t anyone asking for world peace???

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I guess they figured by now that it was hopeless. (Plus it’s hard to fit world peace on a postcard).

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Even a small fraction of it would help!


… cats, Blue cats, Irina Garmasova’s cats, Grumpy Cat, cats by I. Zeniuk, domestic cats, wild cats, Makoto Muramatsu’s cats…
Did I mention the cats?


Blue Cats were included in the compendium. My greatest sin, however, was not mentioning dogs.

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