9th Dec 2022,19:00;Hongngai 1.0 meet up in Chongqing

:world_map: PROVINCE: Chongqing
:world_map: CITY: Chongqing
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Miao Pin kee Teahouse, Hall B, Longhu Times Paradise, 174 Changjiang II road, Yuzhong district, Chongqing
:calendar: DATE: 9th Dec 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 19:00-20:00
:world_map: 省份: 重庆市
:world_map: 城市: 渝中区
:pushpin: 地点: 重庆市渝中区大坪龙湖时代天街B馆L1层2号门苗品记
:calendar: 日期: 2022年12月9日
:alarm_clock: 时间: 晚七点至晚八点
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Unfortunately the white border around the Postcrossing logo is deemed to be an alteration to the logo and so is not approved.

See the User Manual https://static1.postcrossing.com/images/logos/Postcrossing-Logo-Kit.zip?v=20210826 in the current Logo User Kit (page 3) for margins around the logo and other elements etc.

Please give at least 14+ days notice of future meetings.

Giving 1 days notice is not enough time for any prospective member to attend or guarantee that the event will get added to the calendar in time.

Was this postcard that was not approved for use of the Postcrossing logo altered or not used at your meeting?

Please respond!

Postcrossing Team

Was this postcard that was not approved for use of the Postcrossing logo altered or not used at your meeting?

Please respond!

Postcrossing Team