9 September 2023 - Vitebsk "Korol I shut" fans meeting

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Vitebsk
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: “Pizza Smile”. Shopping center "TRIO, Prospekt Stroiteley 15G, Vitebsk
:calendar: DATE: 09.09.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11.00-15.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: postcards signing, communication
In Vitebsk there will be a meeting dedicated to the group “Korol i Shut”. She turned 35 this year. Also this summer, KiSh fans are sad with sadness on the calendar - 10 years since the death of the ideological inspirer and soloist of the group - Mikhail Gorshenev.

Our group VK Фандомные встречи Беларуси


Всех приветствую!!!

Поищу обмен на открытку Обменяю — Яндекс Диск :sunny: :cherry_blossom:

Hello everyone!
I would be very interested in swap the wonderful card.
My offers:

Enjoy your meet up and thank you in advance.

I would be happy to swap! My offer: