9 September 2021 - Mini meeting of postcrossers in Moscow

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Moscow
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Royal Apiary in Izmailovo
:calendar: DATE: 09.09.2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: A meeting for a small company at the Royal Apiary in Izmailovo. This is an excursion, the history of bees, the development of fishing in Russia and, of course, a special postcard.
Due to the impossibility of gathering a large group due to serious restrictions due to the epidemiological situation, the group for the meeting is fully assembled.
If you are looking for an exchange for this postcard, please write in the subject of the meeting.


здравствуйте! буду рада обмену https://vk.com/album73623342_280209559

Hello. Is this postcard available for swap? I could send you a postcard from Cyprus.

I want to swap this meetup card.
Please check the PM.
Thank you :relaxed:

Мне бы тоже хотелось обменяться :blush:
Мой обменник Aina the unicorn | Flickr

Привет, буду рада обмену. Напишите мне пожалуйста в Инстаграм @tatipostcrossing. Думаю так проще. Хорошего дня.

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Привет, Татьяна! Спасибо за предложение, но меня нет в Инстаграме. Может быть, Вконтакте подойдёт?

Здравствуйте, ищу обмен