9 June 2023 - Shenzhen Cheese and Fish Head postcrossing meet-up 1st

:world_map: PROVINCE: Guangdong
:world_map: CITY: Shenzhen
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Luckin coffee
:calendar: DATE: 2023.6.9
:alarm_clock: TIME: 19:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Share exam tips and relax by chatting together.Write a postcard together and share your thoughts. 有兴趣的伙伴可以了解一下我们芝士鱼头联名团

Note for organizers (delete after reading):
- Always specify the timezone of the event when choosing date/time on the “Add Event” menu above.
- Your first post announcing the meeting must be in English, but the rest of the meetup discussion can be conducted in your own language.
- If you’re creating postcards with the Postcrossing logo, make sure to check the Logo Usage Guidelines.





Would you be interested in exchanging meetup cards? This one looks so beautiful!

Hello! Is someone interested in swap? I can offer some meet- up cards from St.Petersburg or anything from my swap- album Anmelden | VK

Sorry, I can’t open the link, but I can accept it as long as it’s your favourite postcard.

Hello! I will be happy to swap on your postcard :slight_smile: I can offer postcards from nearest Russian meetings))

Can i swap the first one?
Here my address, Can i send the Chinese address to you?If not,I can send you the English address.

English is better. I don’t have a printer to print a Chinese address, and if I write it, I’m afraid I’ll make a mistake

OK it doesn’t matter. I will send it as soon as possible. Nice to swap the postcard with you.
Wish you all the best.

Qiu Jiayao
Floor 1, No.2, 4th lane
Longxin Qiaobei village
Baolong street
Longgang, Shenzhen
518116 Guangdong

Hello, this postcard is so awesome! There is a postcard that I will be glad to swap with you :slight_smile:

Well. I am so nice to swap the postcard with you.
I will send it as soon as possible. Here are my address.Thank you. wish you all the best.

Qiu Jiayao
Floor 1, No.2, 4th lane
Longxin Qiaobei village
Baolong street
Longgang, Shenzhen
518116 Guangdong

Hello, where can i send my address to you?

Yes.You can send your address in it.I will as soon as possible send to you early.Thank you.

Here’s my address:)
Elina Valeeva
Sverdlovskiy pospect 23a,kv.3


Thank you very much. I have received it, thank you!

Thank you very much. I have received it.

i’d love to swap! pm me if interested : ) встречные – 27 Bilder | VK

Can I choose this one?

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