9 April 2022 - Space meet-up in Tula

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Tula; Tula region
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Tula, Central lane 18 “Oktava” ( Тула, Центральный переулок д. 18, Творческий индустриальный кластер " Октава")
:calendar: DATE: 09 th of April 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14.00-16.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Presentation of one of the largest philatelic and postcard collections in Russia.

A special guest of the Space meet-up is Vladislav Solovyov, the owner of one of the largest philatelic and postcard collections in Moscow region.

In 1977 Vladislav started collecting stamps and postcards. Nowadays, the unique collection consists of more than several thousand items in each of the topics. Space topic is the most unique.

Vladislav Solovyov, a postcrosser with 12 years of experience. He is the administrator of the forum “Our Postcards”.
Vladislav is ready to answer the questions of philately, postcard and postcrossing- lovers.
We will be waiting for you!
Happy postcrossing!


Очень хочу обе открытки. Мой обменник:

Ищу обмен, интересны обе открытки, мой обменник:


Очень ищу обмен на обе)))
