9 April 2022 Birthday meetup in Voronezh

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Voronezh
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Cafe Shtolle, Puskinskaya 7
:calendar: DATE: 09.04.2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: This time is a special meetup, we are celebrating the 9th birthday of our Club of Voronezh postcrossers.

Пост обменов выйдет чуть позже в паблике нашего клуба Клуб воронежских посткроссеров | VK


How can I get one,madam?

Please leave your swap album here in comments in order our club mates could arrange swap with you :relaxed:

Hi @postcardssend !
I collect Moomin cards and would love to swap the meeting card with Moomin :slight_smile: Would you like to swap with me?

Please leave a link to your swap album here. If not me then others would like to swap with you :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello, I’m interested in the last two cards. My offer:
Meetup cards:
Self-designed cards:

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I’m sending you direct message :blush:

Ищу обмен, прелестные открытки , интересует выдра и любая круглая, мой обменник:

Ищу обмен на все, кроме первой (а там как пойдет).

мой обменник: ОБМЕННИК – Google Drive

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Hi! I would be interested in a swap for the last postcard :heart: thanks

I like the third card very much. Can I exchange it?

Would u like to swap? here some of my offer

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Send you pm

Поищу обмен, мне нравится открытка с мумиком)

Если еще есть в наличии, готова поменяться на открытку с выдрой на любых условиях
Обменник: Обменник – 67 Bilder | VK