9/10 March 2024 - Meeting in Arles-sur-tech

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Arles-sur-tech
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Perpignan Bus/Train station
:calendar: DATE: 9/10 March 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 9:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Good morning to all my writer friends from all over the world! After a year registered on the group and after having participated in some meetings around Europe I think it’s time to make my area known too!
:arrow_right:Event based on two days. you can participate in half a day, a day or both even better!:arrow_left:

First day: 09/03/2024

-meeting at 9:00/10:00 at the Perpignan train/bus station. Let’s wait for all the participants to arrive and start the day!
We take a walk around the last big city before the Spanish border in search of tourist spots and places to buy beautiful postcards.
Lunch in a place where we can sign the first postcards for those who want to spend half a day with us.
(place to decide)
In the afternoon we take the bus to go to Ceret. little walk, more postcards to buy, some chat and maybe a snack somewhere local.
There is also the possibility of visiting the modern art museum of Ceret. based on how many we will be, the price and if there is anyone interested we will go and visit it.
When it’s time to rest again with the bus we go to our final destination or those who stay only one day with us will head in the opposite direction returning to the city to catch their trains/buses/planes.

Second Day: 10/03/2023

In case we stayed in houses all nearby, breakfast together and then start the day by visiting our final destination!
Visit of the village with visit to the monastery cloister for those interested.
A little hike Around for anyone who wants an hour in the middle of nature to chat and work off everything we have/will eat.
BBQ in the outdoor area of the town. Compiling the latest postcards while sitting on picnic tables.
Dessert, fruit and then buses towards Perpignan to return everyone to their own homes!

:arrow_right:Important things to know::arrow_left:

-A house with three bedrooms is currently available to accommodate someone at a very advantageous price per room so that we can be together. if necessary we will try to find other solutions always at a “good” price

-Bus ticket one way costs €1. no credit card. cash only.

-Visiting the monastery cloister in Arles-sur-tech costs €4. (I will try in case you are interested in booking a guided tour and understanding whether it is better to do it in French or English)

-Most likely we will provide the food for the BBQ so that we don’t have to waste time in those two days going to the supermarket. we will ask for a fixed cost for food of €10 per person in order to buy everything necessary.

-If your departure is on Monday you are welcome to stay an extra night without problems.

-Meeting postcard will arrive soon. We won’t do many because it’s our first event. But in case of request we will certainly make a second print.

:cherry_blossom:I kindly ask you to write if you will participate, if you will be accompanied, how long you will participate in the event, what time you will arrive, if you Need accomodation, where you are from and if you have dietary problems.:cherry_blossom:

Postcards available for exchange.

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

:scissors: Notes for meetup organizer (delete this text after reading): :scissors:

  • Your meetup must follow the Meetup Guidelines. Please keep the link to them on this post (already included above).
  • Always specify the timezone of the event when choosing date/time on the “Add Event” button above.
  • Your first post announcing the meeting must be in English. The rest of the meetup discussion can be conducted in your own language.
  • If you’re creating meetups postcards with the Postcrossing logo, make sure to check the Logo Usage Guidelines.

@Mundoo Hoping everything is written in a good way :pray:t4::cherry_blossom:


This sounds like a lovely plan! I’m too far away, but I hope you find some nice people to join you. :heart: