8 October 2021 - Postcard 150 years in Finland meet up in Korsholm

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Mustasaari (Korsholm)
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Union Smedsby, Vattentagsvägen 2, 65610 Korsholm
:calendar: DATE: 8.10.2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 18:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Let’s meet and sign special edition postcards and have fun together! Please rsvp before 17.9 to Hogpet hogpet@outlook.com
Please take care of your hand hygiene and don’t come if you are ill.


At the moment the following will be attending:

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Eikö meille tule miittikortti?
Onko mahdollista saada kuvaa?
Kysytkö etukäteen, montako haluamme?
T. Vilmukka

Hi everyone! We’re a bit late, but still wanted to thank you for sending us a nice postcard from your meeting!

The Raippaluoto bridge looks a lot like the bridge that crosses from Portugal to Spain, 20kms or so from where we live! It brought a smile to our face to see a “sister bridge” in Finland. :slight_smile:

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