8 April 2023 - 11th Anniversary of Taiwan Postcard Exchange Society Meetup in Taichung City (台灣明信片交流會11週年)

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Taichung City, Taiwan
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: 臺中民權路郵局3樓集郵服務中心 Taichung Minquan Road Post Office Philatelic Service Center (台中市中區民權路86號3樓 3F No. 86, Minquan Road, Central District, Taichung City)
:calendar: DATE: 2023/April/8
:alarm_clock: TIME:
9:00-11:30 台灣明信片交流會11週年 臺中臨時郵局
12:15-16:00 臺灣太陽餅博物館 No. 145, Section 1, Taiwan Avenue, Central District, Taichung City
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
上午 相見歡、「台灣明信片交流會11週年」臺中臨時郵局

下午 有獎徵答、可不可店卡交換、明信片郵票印章交流

Due to the limited space, if you want to participate this afternoon meetup, please pm me or email lily0502@gmail.com before April 3rd, everyone price NT.200, thanks.


Hi! Is someone interested in swap? I can offer some meet- up cards from St.Petersburg or anything from my swap- album Anmelden | VK

Please count me. Look forward to the meetup. See you at Taichung.

happy to exchange, my album Открытки ОБМЕН – Google Drive

I want to exchange for this card.

My cards for swap:
Or I can pick up postcards for your favorite themes. Thank you!

Hello.I’ll look for an exchange
My exchanger

Hello! I’d love to swap :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:
Is it possible?
Warm wishes from Poland, Joanna