7th October 2023 - Genova Jeans Meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Genoa (Liguria)
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Genova Piazza Principe railway station
:calendar: DATE: Saturday 7th October 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 9:30-17
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Genoa :england:is the crib for the creation of the Jeans :jeans: : since the origin this cloth became indelible mark of our city, a symbol of tenacity, production and the desire to expand our borders in all the world.
The same word Jeans comes from “bleu de Gênes” and witnesses globality and capacity to innovate and propose quality goods.
This year Genoa celebrates this important product with a 4-days events exhibition and in this occasion we would like to have a Meetup to visit it and sign the related card, for a nice Postcrossing moment together.

In order to buy or to receive cards from this event write me or to @IRE_88 .

The program will be developed in 3 free “jeans” interesting steps in an easy and flat tour:


Alle radici del jeans : The National Museum of Italian Emigration hosts an exhibition focus dedicated to the history of jeans, from its Genoa origins to its affirmation as a myth shared worldwide: a theme that is linked to the fundamentals of the museum itself, touching on some of its focal points (travel, migration, routes, commercial activities) in the evocative space of the loggia on the second floor of the Commenda di S. Giovanni di Prè.
GenovaJeans Community la filiera produttiva: Italian companies that are icons of the supply chain and the value of jeans will show all stages of production in the old Ex Oratorio di San Tommaso Piazzetta vittime di tutte le mafie
Jeans Vintage by Pescetto: the famous jeans shop will exhibit vintage clothes
At the end the Postcrossing Meetup in Zena Zuena where it will be possible to eat focaccia, sign and swap cards, dressed in jeans, why not? :jeans:

We look forward to seeing you all!!!


Hello everyone!
I would be very interested in swap the wonderful card.
My offers:

Enjoy your Meetup and thank you in advance.

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Thanks a lot I will swap with you!

Presente!!! bellissima cartolina

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If anyone would like to swap, I still have some cards available :slight_smile:

Hello. I would love to receive any postcard from the meeting. My offer is here https://postcards.framework.by/ . Thank you.


Ok I write you.

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Swap found



I would like to swap)
My offers


Ok thanks a lot,I write you!

Grazie mille @stefbot75 for your great card :smiley:.

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dear claudia, i am glad you received and liked my postcard :smile:
i will send you a new postcard from the meetup in sanremo, western liguria, on saturday 21st, best wishes, stefano :smile:

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Salve a tutti, Servus @stefbot75.

Mille grazie per la cartoline. Did not know about the connection of jeans and Genova - now I do.

Have a good time y’all, stay confident and of course: happy postcrossing!


Cara @Buffysan,
grazie mille per la bellissima cartolina del Meetup, mi ha fatto molto piacere che tu abbia pensato a me.
Tutti i migliori auguri