7th Jan. 2024|Nanjing meet-up

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Nanjing
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE:Burger King(Yuhuaketing)
:calendar: DATE: January 7th, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 2pm-4pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: 本次联名片如图,欢迎大家带着自己的文具,明信片等前来一起交流。天寒地冻,路上注意安全。

awe the cards are adorable

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I would like to exchange for the first one

. Sunriseоткрытки | 🌸 – 80 Bilder | VK
2. 🌏 – 80 Bilder | VK
🌼 – 79 Bilder | VK

This one?PM please

Hello :four_leaf_clover:
I will be glad to swap, my offer → Встречные ОБМЕН/SWAP – 80 Bilder | VK

hi :wink: which one do you like

Hello! I will be glad to swap for the first one if you like anything Swap – Google Drive


Hi! Is someone interested in swap? I can offer some meet- up cards from St.Petersburg or anything from my swap- album Anmelden | VK

I will be glad to exchange ))
If my links never open, then I can offer Stavropol counter postcards and many other topics for exchange: foxes, bears, cities, food, flowers, birds, owls, wine Stavropol, famous personalities, characters and more.

Hi I would like to swap this one.
Which one do you like?

Hi I like this one

Which one do you like

Good :blush: How to send you?


Will be happy to swap for the round postcard with dragon)

Main swap album
Meet-up postcards

Best wishes,

can’t open the link sorry…