7.9.2024 MEETING Drag hunt - on the covered wagon around Wermsdorf always following the horses!

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Wermsdorf / Sachsen
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Schloss Hubertusburg Wermsdorf , An der Hubertusburg 1
:calendar: DATE: 07.09.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 09.45
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Meeting point: 09.45 a.m. entrance to Wermsdorf Castle
Start: 10.00 a.m., registration, breakfast, hunting service with hunting brass in the castle church
Departure : 12.30 pm on Kremser with the number —
Drinks : all drinks have to be paid by yourself !
Price: 50,00 Euro for breakfast, lunch and ride on the Kremser for about 3 hours from 12.30 to approx. 15.30 /16.00 hrs .
Please pay approx. 6 weeks in advance.
We stamp our cards and enjoy coffee and cake until 6.00 pm

Quote from Festivals and traditions in Wermsdorf
“Enjoy the charming landscape of the Wermsdorf Forest with its lakes on horseback, in a carriage or on a Kremser. The starting and finishing point is one of the largest hunting lodges in Europe, Hubertusburg Castle, the former hunting seat of Augustus the Strong.
The Wermsdorf Riding and Driving Club organises the traditional Wermsdorf drag hunt every year on the 1st Saturday in September. This unforgettable nature experience, in which no live game is hunted, is a real event not only for the participating riders, but also for all spectators. They can take part in a piece of Saxon history and feel the flair of past hunting traditions.
Traditionally, the day begins with a prayer service in front of the Catholic castle chapel. After the hunting breakfast, the signal “Off to the hunt” sounds, signalling the start of the hunt to the participants. Mounted pikeurs escort the pack of hounds in original Saxon hunting attire. The hunting party follows through the hunting lodge, across country lanes, meadows and through the charming landscape of the Wermsdorf forest with its numerous lakes. All guests can watch a special kind of spectacle.
The pack of dogs chases after an artificial trail, the scent of aniseed oil, which is only noticeable to the dogs. They are followed by the riders, who have to jump over obstacles suitable for hunting. At the centre of this spectacle, however, is the work of the dogs, picking up, losing and finding the trail again. The day is framed by hunting signals played by hunting and par force horn groups. The pack, riders and hunting party stop twice along the way. They are then invited to enjoy a hearty hunting snack. Guests will also have the opportunity to watch the hounds take a dip in the cool water. The hunting day comes to an end with the “Grand Halali” and curée in the courtyard of Hubertusburg Castle. The curée is the dogs’ reward for their work.”
It is not permitted to bring your own dogs.

Everybody who signs up for a Meetup organised by me agrees to be photographed and also agrees that the photos taken may be passed on among the MEETUP PARTICIPANTS for personal use.
I ask the parents of underage children to keep their children out of the usual group photos or not to put them in the group photo.
Thank you for your understanding !

1.Eva —TOM336
3. Katrin— Katrin1778
4.Andre—Swampratte —
6. ----------------nur nach Absprache mit dem Veranstalter möglich ,bitte nachfragen !
7. -----------------nur nach Absprache mit dem Veranstalter möglich , bitte nachfragen 1

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Hallo Eva, das ist ja auch wieder eine grandiose Idee. Leider bin ich im Urlaub, aber ich wĂĽnsche schon jetzt allen Teilnehmern ganz viel SpaĂź in Wermsdorf. GruĂź, Christian

Hallo Eva, du hast mich neugierig gemacht - bin dabei :relieved: Elke

Ich bin dabei

Fein , das freut mich . GruĂź , Eva !

Hallo Eva! Findet das Meeting eigentlich statt, auch wenn wir nur zu dritt sind?

Hallo, Katrin , ja, da ich selbst groĂźes Interesse daran habe . Dann ist es eben ein Mini-Mini Treffen .
GruĂź , Eva !

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Wie Schade, das wäre was für mich aber für ein Wochenende leider zu weit.

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Hallo Eva, ich wĂĽrde sehr gerne mit meiner Frau auch kommen.
LG! Andre´

Hallo, Andre ´,
ihr seid beide bei mir + dem Veranstalter gelistet.
Du kannst das Zimmer verlängern. Gruß , Eva !

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