6th Postcrossing Adventure to the Åland Islands - June 7-10, 2022


I’m happy to tell you that yes there will be International Postcrossing meetup in Åland Islands next summer too. The date is June 7th - 10th 2023.

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Hey Sanna! Great to hear! How do I book a place on it? :slight_smile:

Hello, Åland Islands adventure will be added to meetups with all the information after all the details are finalised. You (or me :blush:) can’t book a place yet. Only the dates are published by now. Last time the information came out in January.

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Hey! Hope you’re all well! Just wondering if there were any updates on this? Thanks, Jonny

Are there any news
about this year Aland-Meeting? We have to plan our holiday times at work and so I’d like to know if we can make plans for this meeting, too.

I have understood that events and meetups by the association are for members only from this year onwards because of tax reasons, so I wonder if it applies to international participants too?