6 March 2022 - "Shirokaya Maslenitsa" in Roctov-on-Don

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Rostov-on-Don
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: cafe-confectionery Pancho-Patissari on the street. Sadovaya, 93
:calendar: DATE: 6.03.2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: :pancakes::love_letter::white_heart::notes::full_moon:


Hello Anna,
what a beautiful Meetup-card.
Would you trade this card for another card? I’ll send you a PM with my offer.

Dear people from Rostov-on-Don,

Trying to make a long story short: I want to write a book about the women who lived in the house we bought in the Netherlands. Her story goes back to Rostov as her father came from Rostov, joined the Ice March in 1918 and finally moved to Paris where he died.

I would love to speak to an historican who can tell me everything about Rostov in the time 1910 - 1920. How did the city look like in those years, how did they experience the revolution years etc.
Do you know someone who knows a lot about your city’s history?


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я обязательно прийду

Если у Вас есть возможность вступить в группу “Посткроссинг в Ростове” Вконтакте, то ждём Вас там!
Если будут какие-то изменения в планах, то точная инфа будет в этой группе

Hello, I’d like to swap for it. I can offer Beijing meetup cards:


Maybe this site will help you - rostovbereg.ru

Hello! I want swap this card. Are you ready?