6 August 2022 - Meetup of Rostov postcrossers in Azov

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Azov, Russia
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Azov Museum-Reserve, Porohovoi pogred, ul. Lermontova, 6, Azov
:calendar: DATE: August 6, 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
On July 18, 1696, the Russian army under the command of Peter I conquered the Turkish fortress of Azov. This event was the first military victory of the young tsar, increased the international prestige of Russia, became a worthy beginning of a great statesman of a great country.
On August 6, 2022, the military-historical festival “Besiege of Azov” will be held, for the first time dedicated to the Azov campaigns of Peter I. The event will be one of the events dedicated to the 350th anniversary of Peter I.
Postcrossers of Rostov-on-Don, with the participation of the Azov Museum-Reserve, prepared a special postcard for this event.
We will sign a postcard, visit the museum objects of the Azov Museum-Reserve, enjoy the historical reconstruction “Besiege of Azov”.


Добрый день! Ищу обмен: АЛЬБОМ ДЛЯ ОБМЕНА – 184 Bilder | VK

Isn’t that a little bit tasteless, looking at the connotations with the word “Azov” in the present war against Ukraine?

Azov is one of the oldest cities in Russia. We also have the city Donetsk in the Rostov region. If you think that we cannot hold meetings there I will delete this entry.


Of course you can hold meetings where-ever you want in Russia, but your invitation concentrates heavily on military history and “the great country”, and in connection with the drama of Azovstal recently I think it is - as I said- tasteless. That’s my opinion. Am I not allowed it?

The card is beautiful, hope you’ll have a great time at the museum. If anyone willing to swap card from this meeting, I’m in. I can show my offers in pm

Здравствуйте! Посткроссеры из России могут поискать обмен здесь - 6 августа 2022 года на валах Азовской крепости.. | Postcrossing Ростов-на-Дону | VK

You are always welcome!

Glad. Thank you.

There is no need to delete this meeting notice.

It has been added to the Postcrossing calendar.


Hello, August 1st is China’s Army Day. Can I exchange this card with you? It looks good.

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Hello! Yes, sure, it will be cool to swap on your card, please write your address, I will send proof from Meetup, my address
Artem Semergey
P.O. Box 1160

Была бы рада обмену :heart: НА ОБМЕН – 236 Bilder | VK

Do you need to choose a card?