6.08.2022 - PARALAMCROSSING Middle-Earth Manuscripts #6

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Voronezh, Russia
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: “U Bil’bo”
ul. Generala Lizjukova 46A
:calendar: DATE: 6.08.2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We will talk about postcrossing and Middle-Earth, sign postcards, drink tea with delicious pies, answer all the questions of beginners. There will be several lotteries

If you want to take part in the meeting, please write to me PM


PM sent

If anyone wants to swap, I am very open. I would love to receive this wonderful card :grinning: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: