5 May 2024 - 111th Anniversary of Tokarevsky Lighthouse Vladivostok

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Vladivostok
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Central Chekhov Library /
100 let Vladivostoka Ave. 48
:calendar: DATE: 5 May 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
We are pleased to invite you to a meeting of postcrossing and lighthouse lovers.
The postcard is dedicated to the most popular and one of the most beautiful places in the city - where the mainland ends and the Pacific Ocean begins. This is the Tokarevsky Lighthouse, which this year will celebrate the 111th Anniversary of the start of its work.
At the event, you will meet friends at the postcrossing, interesting communication and, most importantly, signing a beautiful postcard by artist Elena Nikitina.


Beautiful card! Would you like to swap with me?

I can offer a card from next Genoa meetup (April 27th),

or another card from Italy, including some with Genoa old lighthouse

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Thanks, with pleasure.
I wrote you a private message.

Hi Would anyone like to swap this lighthouse postcard with me :blush:?

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Thank you, with pleasure.

Буду рада обмену))

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С удовольствием! Написала вам в директ:)

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