5 August 2023 - The first meeting of postcrossers in Dobrush "On the way to the museum"

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Dobrush
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE:Dobrush Museum of Local Lore, Prince Paskevich St., 1
:calendar: DATE: 05.08.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11.00.-16.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Signing postcards, communication, excursion
On August 5, we invite you to the first meeting of postcrossers “On the way to the museum” in the city of Dobrush! On the way to the museum of local lore, an interesting excursion awaits you. You see the sights of little Venice - that’s what they call Dobrush. Then we will visit the museum exposition, sign postcards, and have a chat. The postcard depicts a tower paper mill built by Prince Paskevich in 1870.

Художник - Мария Романова. Дизайнер - Ольга Лойко


Всех приветствую!!!

Поищу обмен на данную открытку Обменяю — Яндекс Диск :cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:

Добрый день. Давайте меняться на вот эту открытку.