454th anniversary of the Union of Lublin - 1st July 2023 - Lublin PC meeting

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Lublin/Poland
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE:
Między słowami
Księgarnia, kawiarnia Lublin
Rybna 4,
20-114 Lublin
:calendar: DATE: 01.07.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00 local time
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

We would like to invite you to second Postcrossing meeting in Lublin. This year we celebrate 454th anniversary of the Union of Lublin know also as the Union of Poland and Lithuania that took place in 1569.
The meeting will take place in coffee-bookstore “Między słowami” in Lublin Old Town where we will sign postcards and have some lunch!

There are two postcards created for meet-up.

The organizer of the meeting is Paulina (her nickname on PC is Pilcia13).



i have these card can we swap?

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Greetings. I really liked this postcards. Who wants to exchange? Here you can see my postcards https://postcards.framework.by/

I can do swap.
Please pm me.

Hello! I really want to exchange for a postcard blue cats meeting. If you’re interested in postcards from the meeting, I have one.

wow!thats great!lets swap!can you give me address!?

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