4 March 2023 - St. Patrick's Day and Cat's Day meet -up in Krasnodar

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Krasnodar
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: The Ordos club
Kommunarov 121
:calendar: DATE: March 4, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Signing postcards, communication, tea drinking
Quest “Ireland”. Quiz and contests.
Irish dance master class



my name is Maria Teresa and I write from Italy. I collect cat postcards and these are beautiful; i would love to have them! Who wants to swap with me write to me; I have lots of postcards for exchanges, tell me what theme you are looking for.
Thanks and I hope someone writes me.
Maria Teresa

Cute cards

I’d love to swap for a card after the event if any are available. St Patricks Day is my bday!

Буду рада обмену на 2 и 3

Буду рада обмену на вторую :heart:

Hello Maria Teresa
I can exchange with you. I’m interested in postcards: foxes, Moomin trolls, Paddington bear cub, owls.
Illustrations. I don’t like photo postcards.

And which of the three postcards do you need?

Do you want to exchange a postcard with a ginger cat? What postcards would you like to offer for exchange?

Обменяемся на эти две?

Hello everybody, I’m interested in this meetup postcard.

Is there someone who wants to swap?.

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What can you offer for an exchange?
I collect: foxes, owls, hedgehogs, Moomin trolls, Paddington bear, Little Prince

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wrote you in PM

В связи с внеплановым ремонтом “Места встречи”, изменилось время и адрес встречи.

Встречаемся в 12.00 в конференц-зале гостиницы “Платан”
Адрес: ул. Постовая, 41