4 July 2021 July Meet-up

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Hong Kong
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Olympian City at Olympics Station
:calendar: DATE: 4 July 2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00-17:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Writing Postcards and Gatherings

Someone said, “No Millk Tea is not Summer”
We will have a Meet-up in July💦
This is the joint Meet-up with the other 8 cities in China.
Our sharped Meet-up card is Milk tea with tapioca balls【珍珠奶茶】
The other 8 cities are Nanning, Wuxi, Tianjin, Chongqing, Fuzhou, Chenzhou, Zibo and Weifang. (Catch them as you can :wink:)

If you are interested to join or received our Meet-up card, please email to reberene@gmail.com

I would like to have this card too. However I can’t join this meetup ;( Is there any other ways to receive your card?