31 October 2020 in Saint-Petersburg. Halloween PC meet-up

:world_map:  Saint-Petersburg
:pushpin:  Grizzly bar
:alarm_clock:  31st October 2020, 13.00
:page_facing_up:  We plan to dress up a little on the theme of Halloween and walk around the city, and then go to a cafe and sign postcards there:

Sorry, but we have some restrictions due to the Covid-19 situation.

  1. The maximum number of participants is 15 people. Please let the organizer know if you want to come.
  2. Please do not come to our meeting if you are not completely healthy, even if you just have a runny nose!
  3. Please take with mask and antiseptic.

Organizer meet-up https://vk.com/club_postcrossing

1 артикул 2


Hi Olga, and everyone at the Halloween meeting! Thank you for your cute postcard — we hope you had a nice get-together, without any spooky scares… :jack_o_lantern:

Hi Ana! We are very happy that you have received our postcard, especially now, when so much is being lost. Thank you for reporting this:) Our meeting was very fun, we pleased many people walking down the street in our costumes:) I hope you also had fun celebrating Halloween, at least at home:)

Do you still have these 2 meet-up cards available to trade?

No, unfortunately, we don’t have these cards anymore.

sad face. thanks for the reply

we organize meetings not only to sign postcards, but also more for communication, so our postcards are always printed in a limited edition

aha ok… understood. Happy post crossing and be safe.
