31 May 2024 - Rostov-on-Don meetup dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Elena Fabianovna Gnesina

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Rostov-on-Don
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Rostov-on-Don Main Post Office (344000), Sokolov Avenue 63, Rostov-on-Don
:calendar: DATE: 31 May 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Elena Fabianovna Gnesina is a legendary figure in the history of Russian musical education. She is the creator and permanent head for 72 years of the largest complex of musical education – Gnesin educational institutions. Covering all levels of musician training and the largest number of specialties among the country’s music educational institutions, they have gained fame and recognition all over the world. Gnesina’s activities were unusually broad and large-scale. A pianist-teacher, she gave concerts, taught students of all ages, created a large educational repertoire as a composer, author of compositions for children. Being an extremely proactive and energetic leader, she constantly sought to increase and improve the quality of education in the educational institutions she created, and to build a large number of buildings in Moscow for their needs, unprecedented for art institutions.

Elena Gnesina is a native of Rostov-on-Don. On the day of its 150th anniversary, special postal cancellations will be held in our city and in Moscow. A special postcard was prepared for this event.