31 March 2024 - Meet-up "World Autism Awareness Day" in Krasnodar

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Krasnodar
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: 43 Oficerskaya St., Krasnodarskaya kraevaya yunosheskaya biblioteka
:calendar: DATE: 31.03.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: 31 March there will be a meet-up “Our world is outside. Their - inside”, on the important topic of dissemination of information about the problem of autism. In honour of the World Autism Awareness Day on 2 April.
Meeting place: “Krasnodar Regional Youth Library named after I.F. Varavva” :books:
At the meeting there will be a postcard with thematic art by Alena Melnik. At the meet-up there will be signing of postcards and notebooks, information on the topic of the meetup, quizzes and pleasant dialogue.
Для участия и по вопросам пишите Настаси Блоха (vk.com) и Ольге Скулковой
Пост обмена будет в группе Фандом-клуб Краснодара • Посткроссинг • Встречи (vk.com)